6 - Then what about bebop?

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With yesterday's uniform already washed and dried, you're ready to go off to work the second you're out of Toriel's home, no detour to yours needed. You're all set to leave, though you stop to say your farewells and instruct Frisk over how they should behave while you're gone. "Wait for me, alright? I have to work overtime today, but I'll be right back before ten." You smile at Frisk and place a hand over their head, playing with their hair before pressing a kiss to their cheek.

"Does this mean Toriel's going to be my babysitter from now on?" they sign, a hopeful light in their eyes.

"...Yes." You relent, not wanting to be late. "For the time being, at least."

Even with that addition by the end, their joy doesn't fade away, something they show through a grin and a wave. "Take care, mom!"

You wave back at them, warmth left in your chest at the sound of their voice. It was rare for them to speak out loud, no matter who the person was. The only chances you'd gotten to hear their voice was when their father used to visit, whenever they wanted to say they loved you, and most recently, whenever they were left under the monsters' care. You dismiss that thought to focus on making it to work. Needing to be sure over your plans, you check the time on your phone to see there's still around three hours left: one for running errands, half to grab a quick bite to eat, one to make it on-time to work, and the other half left to excuse yourself over yesterday's meeting.

When you see Undyne's legs emerging from under your van, you subtract the hour for running errands, only expecting the worst scenario from how much rain had fallen yesterday. "Is something wrong?" you ask, clutching your purse for support.

The fishwoman slides out from under it, arms and hands smudged with oil, debris and dirt. She doesn't seem to mind though, grinning up at you. "The battery and some other stuff got damaged in the rain, but it's nothing my girlfriend and I can't fix!" You offer a hand out to the woman, though she declines and stands up on her own, commenting about not dirtying your outfit now that you were going off to work. "We've got a motorcycle in the garage, so if you know how to ride one, then feel free to use it." She looks over to the minivan, a hint of smugness slipping on her face. "If you don't, Sans can give you a ride." She jabs your waist with her cleanest elbow, what you assume is a wink being directed at you, albeit difficult to tell with only one eye. "How about it, (L/N)?"

Don't look at a gift horse in the mouth.

That's the only thought you can come up with as she offers you a solution, the jab she'd given you confirming your suspicions as to what she believed was going on between you and Sans. Regardless, you don't say anything about that and nod. Best to go with the flow of things for now, tardiness unwanted. "Thank you," you speak up, words almost forced out, the thought of being at such a close level with the skeleton again making your temples ache. While using the escape and excuse of taking the next bus, you're not sure whether to risk it or not, and give into the woman's offer. "Is he... around?"

"He's at the garage," she replies, sliding back under the vehicle. Her voice sounds muffled when she continues, the melody of tools and metal clanking being heard as she keeps on with her work. "Think you could tell him Papyrus doesn't need a lift anymore? I got a call from him earlier saying the car's back in shape."

You bite your lip, frowning. "Did he say how much the repairs cost?"

"His insurance covered up for him this time. A lot of cars have been getting damaged under this weather, so it really isn't a surprise for companies to receive those calls anymore."

"Still," you persist, sighing. "If there's any way I can help, then please let me know." You rummage through your purse, retrieving a twenty, a ten, and three fives from your wallet. "I, um... don't really have enough cash on me right now, but I can pay you more formally when I'm back."

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