Chapter 3 - An Unexpected Encounter

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School Time (Same Day) @ 1:15pm

After speaking with Aizawa, you decide to go back to lunch for the remaining time that you had. Circling through the same hallway twice, you discovered something that you never experienced before. You were lost.

Oh crap, I forgot did Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya go this way. . .?

You peered around the corner to notice aggressive whispering coming from a small room. Big sus if you ask me. You began to slow down and listen to the conversation wondering why in the world they sound so panicked. Ever since you were little, you always played games like "ninja" or "hide and seek" so snooping was a piece of cake for you ho ho ho. . . or so you thought.

"Who's there?" You stop in your tracks holding your breath while a man with an almost-skeleton appearance, yellow hair, and black/blue eyes peaks his head outside of the door.

". . . T-toshinori? Is that you?" Your eyes begin to widen when you suddenly see the true form of All Might in front of you. Similar to your situation with Eraserhead and Present Mic, you haven't seen this man for years and always wondered if the rumors *about this* were true.

"(Y/n)! My goodness, how long has it been since the last time I saw you? Come in quickly!" All Might tugs at your arm lightly and brings you into the big room. It wasn't a classroom which confused you, but all you saw was a couch, a tea maker on a table, 2 cups, rice balls, and Midoriya sitting across with a flabbergasted expression.

"(Y/n)? W-what are y-you doing here?" He stutters not knowing what to do.

"Hey Midoriya-kun! Sorry for interrupting, I got lost when trying to find the cafeteria!" You say with a slight blush on your cheeks. Feeling embarrassed for being lost, you didn't want him to get the wrong impression of you. Even though you were technically snooping around, hehe oops.

"No worries! How do you know All Might—"

"—and about One For All?" You finish his question, leaving him with his eyes bulging out and mouth dropping to the ground.

"Well first Midoriya-kun, your face says it all so if you want to keep it a secret you need to be more subtle, come on Toshi I thought you would've taught him that already!" You joke while playfully punching All Might in the arm. Holy shit, his arm is so bony!

"Haha I know I know, we still have a lot to learn. I'm assuming you already got info from President Hao, President Koshi, and Eraserhead right? I will be training you with emotionless—"

"WAIT PRESIDENT KOSHI? You m-mean THE Hiro Koshi?!?!" Midoriya yelps in surprise.

"Hai-hai, but don't be surprised. As you can probably guess, this girl standing in front of you is the real deal. She's here on a mission not only to protect you, but to protect all of us."

"Shucks, All Might you're making me blush!" You say as you casually take a rice ball in front of you, making yourself comfortable. "But going back to being serious, explain to me why you were both aggressively whispering before I came here, it sounded like Midoriya's mumbling X10!"

"Hahaha. . . it's good that you are here, this is great advice for both of you. The Sport's Festival is happening this week. I want you to tell the world 'I am here!' You know about the festival right?"

"Yeah! Support, business, general studies, and hero courses come together and fight through the preliminary games!" Midoriya answers excitedly.

"That's right! In other words, you can sell yourself with everything you've got!"

"Right. . ."

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