Chapter 9 - Moving Ahead

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". . . it doesn't have your number in it."

"PSHHH what the heck?! BWAHAHAHA!!!" Not really knowing how to respond you nudge his shoulder with a laugh as the color of his face soon matches yours, realizing what he just did.

"Ah r-right, so is this too much of a challenge for you, Chibi? I don't mind waiting—?" He rubs his neck as he shyly responds.

"Pleaseeeee it's an easy fix, but I might charge you . . ."

"Ho oh okay how much?" He teases back with an eyebrow going up, as you type into his phone.

"Hmmmm . . . maybe a date plus interest?" You joke boldly.

"Plus interest? What may that be~~" The cute boy shimmers at you with excitement like a little kid. This fella must actually like me huh?

"If you're lucky . . . another date!" Responding innocently as you hand back his phone, he puts it into his back pocket and walks you to lunch holding that same hand. A red tint lies on both of your faces.



After School with All Might @3:15 pm

Two hours passed since you lost your soul and felt like you were on cloud nine. Still wondering how you had the balls to say what you said, you glance down at your phone over and over again.

Username: TROLL DOLL

"Why am I like this??? Why DO I like this!!" You shake your head with a wide smile, imaginary hearts flying through the air. This was the first time you ever received a number from a boy, let alone a boy who made you feel butterflies every time you thought of him.

"Well well Young (Y/n), you look happy!" Turning to your side, you find All Might waving over at you to come into his office with a toothy smile.

"Hey Toshi! How have you been!"

"Pretty good, my little zygote! We have a lot to discuss but first we have some serious business to take care of first. . ." Sensing something wrong, your face grows serious as you step into his office. Feeling a wave of nervousness fall upon you, you stand silently waiting for the impending doom.

". . ."

". . do you really want to hear this?" His face darkens dramatically, the shadows of light emphasizing his bony facial features. You shift in your spot, bracing yourself.


"It'll be a hard decision. . ."

"Just tell me."

". . do you like jasmine or green tea?"

* s i l e n c e *

". . . OH MY GOD YOU HAVE TO STOP DOING THAT TOSHI! IT GIVES ME A HEART ATTACK EVERY TIME!! BUT JASMINE PLEASE!" You finally breathe out smacking his arm as he chuckles. Thankfully Toshi still had that joking side to him. Observing the man who also used to train with you in Qingqing City, it still shocked you how much *physically* he has changed. It was like you were looking at a different person.

"Hahaha you know I'm messing with you! But in reality, we do have serious business to talk about. After watching you at the festival, I noticed something that threw me off. But I don't think I need point it out since—"

Promise Me (Shinso x Reader) [ 愛しています ]Where stories live. Discover now