Chapter 5 - Who Are You

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You look at him with fear.

"Follow my command. Stop." He says with a harsh tone. Slightly shaking, you nearly halted when you began to realize what this purple troll was doing. Right when your body was about to obey, you immediately feel the wind sweep under you. A soft sound like a bell rings throughout your eardrums. Your pupils begin to glow with a bright bloody red similar to Eraserhead. Something was evolving inside you.

"Haha nope! See ya!" Sprinting even faster, you run away from the monster who was trying to control you. But in reality you couldn't tell if this monster you were running away from was him or yourself.

We need to keep moving forward!


Shinso POV

Did she justcancel my quirk?

How did Chibi stop my brainwashing?! I have to be careful. I'm in danger from here on out, I can't let her tell the others . . . but what did she even do?

Her eyes. Beautiful. Her hair flew behind her dancing as she ran. Her voice.

Who Are You?


Aizawa POV

"Ey S-shota, did you just see t-that?" Mic stutters with sweat trickling down his forehead as he covers the microphone. They continued to watch you as you ran faster away from the boy trying to get closer to you.

". . ."

"Earth to Shota?? Her eyes looked like—"


Hey kid, I don't know what's happening but don't let the brat get to you. Keep your head up and move forward. You can do this.


You kept running, knowing that your speed was one of your best weapons. You grew up training night and day in Headquarters succumbing to the criticism of "being too slow" or "not fast enough." One of the many things you learn as you become a hero is that if you are one step behind, you'll fail too quickly. When you are busy hesitating, someone will snatch the opportunity away from you. When you move too slowly, someone out there is suffering or dying.

Move like lightning, sound like thunder.

"KEEP GOING YOU GOLDEN EGGS!! CLASS 1A IS STILL IN THE LEAD! (Y/N) MOVES FASTER AS SHE TAILS TODOROKI AND BAKUGO! BUT WILL THIS CONTINUE AS THEY FACE THE NEXT CHALLENGE??" Finally you reach the final barrier of the obstacle race: a minefield. Hundreds of dark spots fill the ground in front of you, ready to explode.

As the other students start to catch up and move meticulously through the obstacle, you try thinking of a better and faster way to get through. Looking from your left to right you spot Midoriya holding a large green metal plate from the faux villains. Immediately a plan sparked in your mind.

"Midoriya, want to win together?" You ask as you reach out for his hand.

"(Y/n)! Okay! But what should we do? Maybe we can use this and explode off the fuses!" He says while tightly gripping your hand with determination, at the same time showing off his trusty green metal plate.

"Exactly what I was thinking!" Kneeling in front of you, you press your fingers to the ground. Breathe. This was the perfect opportunity to use telekinesis. Fuses around you begin to gather together as you try to bunch them in one central place. I guess you could've taken out all of the fuses at once, but what's the fun in that? You didn't want to give the others an advantage.

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