Chapter 8 - Time to Train

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A few days later after festival @ 7:15 am

After letting everyone recover from their injuries, regular classes start again. Hopefully nothing *too crazy* will happen today. You think silently to yourself as you walk to school 10 minutes early. But as soon as you think that, the thundering rumble of feet bolt towards you as a flash of silver glasses and a whip of green hair come into your line of sight. Oh boy . . .

"(Y/N)!!!!! YOU'RE ALIVEEEE!!!!!" Midoriya-kun yells as he quickly grabs your hand while running.

"GUYS! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!!!!!" Iida-kun shouts as he takes your other hand.

"W-Wait—WHAT?!?!" In the blink of an eye, you were already in the classroom gasping for air like a goldfish that accidentally jumped out of its fish tank. With both of your hands on your knees, you felt like the wind was knocked out of you.

"SO . . . are you * GASP* . . . guys *GASP* GOING . . . to tell me *GASP* WHY—"

"We are so happy that you recovered!" They shout as they trample you in a group hug. Poking your head out from their tight grasp, you finally let in a deep breath of fresh air. Before you knew it bubbly Uraraka popped out of nowhere and flew on top of you all, screaming with joy.

"WE WERE SO SCARED! WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! THANK GOD YOU ARE OK!" They squish their faces against yours, instantly making you giggle. Never in your life did you think you would be surrounded by so many loving people who truly care about you and  your well-being.

"Haha, I missed you all too. Look, I'm good as new! Brand new!" You flash a bright smile while striking a pose to show off your near faded scars.

"Whoa are you an angel from heaven? Because I think I've just been BLESSED!" Kaminari smoothly says to you as he comes swaggering in with Kirishima and Sero.

"Are you the sun, baby!? Because oof I'm BLINDED by your beauty!!" Kirishima confidently says with a flirty wink and a thumbs up. You look at them with a blank expression, trying your hardest not to laugh at their attempts at wooing you.

"Gomen (y/n) don't mind these idiots. We're all just happy that you are back!" Sero shyly smiles with an adorable shrug.

"Haha no worries!! Thanks guys, it really makes me happy!" You express with a grin. Today so far is a good day~~

* * *

As more and more students came into the classroom, all of them had similar reactions and repeatedly asked if you were feeling better. Mono, Mina, Tsu, and Hagakure all gave you cute paper cranes with notes on its wings. Aoyama waltzed up to you and fed you his favorite cheese! Sato made you a cookie! So sweet! Even Todoroki-kun came up to you and handed you a homemade burn cream for your neck scars. Surrounded by love and support, you immediately felt like you were floating on top of the world. But unfortunately that feeling didn't last for too long.

"Yo (Y/n) . . ." You turn around in your seat to find Bakugo standing awkwardly in front of you with his eyes avoiding yours.

"Let's go out for a minute." Taking his hand in yours, you pull the boy outside of the classroom to give you space from the 18 pairs of eyes staring down at you both.

If you wanted to get this over with, now was the perfect time.

"(Y/n), the words I said to you and the anger . . . I almost k-killed . . . I-I'm so sor—" He says in a weak whisper, the cracking of his voice almost too raw as he grips your hand tighter. You flick the boy's forehead, signaling him to listen. You can tell from his lifeless red pupils that this apology was something that haunted him nonstop since the event. Anger, confusion, regret, and fear dripped down his face like the tears he wore secretly at night, dreading over the fact that he almost ended your life.

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