Part 1: what do you mean?

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Kelly has an ex-girlfriend before he started to date Stella. Kelly and his Ex-Girlfriend Emma had a child together named Zane. Kelly loves his son so much. Kelly and Stella have been fighting for custody for Zane for about a year now. Emma is not a good mom at all, she's always partying. Zane is always with his grandparents.
Zane sees Kelly and Stella every other week, but Kelly wants full custody of Zane. Today they have court, Kelly and Stella were about to leave when Emma and Zane were standing outside Kelly and Stella's house. Zane yelled with a big smile on his face. " Hi, daddy." Kelly picked him up and looked a Emma, " What are you doing here, we have court in 30 minutes." Emma smiled "There is no reason for court. We both know Zane in much happier here with you, Kelly and Stella. I want the best for him." She handed Kelly papers that she signed and all he would have to do is sign them. He gave  her that look, " are you sure?" Emma smiled " I hope you will still let me see our boy whenever." Kelly nodded " of course." Emma gave Stella who happened to be very pregnant a smile, "All his stuff is in my car.' Kelly put Zane down, Zane gave Emma a hug and kiss bye. She started to cry "Okay, Baby boy you be good for daddy and momma Stella." Stella smiled at her. Zane walked over to Stella, she picked him up. He yelled "Momma Stella." Stella laughed "Hi, Buddy."  Stella took Zane inside and sat on the couch, her feet her so bad, with her being 6 months pregnant, with their beautiful baby girl. Kelly carried Zane's two blue suitcases full of stuff, upstairs to his room. Stella walked upstairs to Zane's room. When she went upstairs she was out of breath, she sat on the bed. Kelly laughed " you okay?" Stella could barely breath " Yeah, this is wonderful, we have Zane to our selves." Kelly nodded " Its great," He sat next to her on Zane's bed. Zane got down from Stella's lap to play with his fire truck. Kelly kissed her softly on her lips. Stella wanted to be clear " I know Zane isn't mine." Kelly stopped her " Stella, he loves you, you're just as much his mom as much as you are babygirl's mom. Zane loves his momma, Stella." Kelly started to talk to his son "Zane, do you love your momma, Stella?" Zane looked up at his daddy " I love you, momma Stella."  Stella smiled "I love you too, bud." Stella and Kelly sat on the bed and watched Zane play.

The next morning

It was shift day, the babysitter was coming to watch Zane, but only for a half-day. With Stella being pregnant she wasn't working on truck she was doing half days at the firehouse, helping chief.
It was early. Zane came into Stella and Kelly's room, jumping on their bed in his firetruck PJ's. He yelled, " Wake up, Momma Stella and daddy." Stella woke and smiled " Come here you nugget." Zane sat down next to her she kissed his head " Good-morning. Sweet boy." Kelly woke up and rolled over and just smiled at his family soon to be a family of 4. Stella smiled " what?" Kelly smiled " Just looking at how good of a mom you're going to be." Stella looked confused  " what do you mean? Going to be? I am a mom." Kelly smiled "No you're right, You are a mom. A great mom, Better then anyone could ask for." Stella give Kelly her mad look "yeah." she stared to talk to Zane in her baby voice, " how about we get up and get dressed huh, Zane?" Zane stood " Okay momma Stella."  Kelly knew she was mad. Stella got herself and  Zane dressed and ready for the day, Kelly got ready, Stella was making Zane some milk, Kelly came up behind her and put his hands on her bump. He kissed her neck "Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." Stella called for Zane "Babyboy, here's your milk." Zane smiled " Thanks, momma Stella." Kelly went to put the car seat in the car. They drove to the babysitters, Stella and Kelly both smiled "bye, We love you." Zane yelled, " Bye daddy and momma Stella, Love you."
The whole way to the firehouse Stella didn't say anything. As they walked hin Kelly smiled "I love you, babe."  Stella didn't say anything, Brett walked passed her and spoke up, " are you mad at Severide or something?" Stella laughed " yeah, we have full custody of Zane now, he calls me momma Stella, and this morning Kelly had the guts to tell me I will make a great mom. I told him I'm already a mom. He said he didn't mean it like that but It's fun to just drag it on for he thinks I'm mad." Brett laughed " Oh, yeah! You are Zane's mom no matter what. Congrats on the custody thing." Stella smiled " Thanks!" Brett nodded.
12 hours later Stella was about to leave it was the end of her shift, she went into Severide's quarters, he smiled "Stella, to me you are the only mom Zane will ever need." Stella smiled " Come give me a kiss, for I can go get our boy from the babysitter, I might bring him by to see everyone." Kelly nodded "sounds good babe." He stood up and walked to give her a kiss. She laughed " I'll see you later." he bent down on his knees and kissed her bump.
When Stella arrived at the babysitter's house Zane came running to Stella, yelling " momma Stella." Stella picked him up " Hi, sweet boy." Stella smiled at the babysitter and whispered "Thank you." she smiled "Anytime." Stella put Zane in the car seat and smiled " Do you want to go see daddy?" Zane smiled "yeah." Stella smiled and went to the firehouse. Zane ran to Severide's Quarters. Kelly saw him running and opened the door, he picked up his son. Kelly smiled "How did you get here?" Zane laughed "momma Stella, duh daddy." Kelly smiled " where is your momma Stella?" He smiled " With auntie Brett." Kelly walked to find Stella and Brett, Brett smiled "Hi, my favorite Zane." Zane wanted to go to Brett, Kelly handed Zane to Brett and hugged and kissed Stella. Brett smiled " You two made up?" Stella laughed "Yeah." They all sat together and talked with everyone, they all played with Zane. Stella was so tried, she went to lay down in Severide's quarters and fell asleep.
Kelly went into his quarters, Zane was with Brett still. Kelly laid next to Stella, he cuddled her, till the bells went off. She woke up "be safe!" Kelly yelled "of
Course, the baby boy is waiting for you in the common room." Stella laughed "I'll go get him, I love you." Kelly yelled and ran off "I love you too."
Stella walked to the common room, Zane saw her walking "Momma Stella, I thought you left me." Stella laughed "No, I'm right here, let's go home." Zane got off the couch and took Stella's hand, it was getting late when they got home Stella made him Mac and cheese and got him ready for bed.
She went to bed right after she put him to bed.

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