Part 4: Happy due date day

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Stella's due date July 17. It was a beautiful bright Saturday morning, it would be a wonderful day to have a baby. Stella's doctor called her
Dr. Good morning this is Dr. Hannah, is Stella Kidd around?
S. Good morning, this is Stella.
Dr. How are you feeling?
S. great
Dr. Any contractions that are less than 5 minutes apart?
S.No, is there anything we could do to speed up the progress?
Dr laughed
Dr.Actually if you want to try anything, have
sexual intercourse
Stella laughed
S.Will that hurt the baby?
Dr. No, the penis won't leave the vagina, the baby won't know what's going on
S. Okay.
Dr. Come to the office if your water breaks or  you start to have contractions that are less then five minutes apart
S. Okay thank you
She needed the call
It was still pretty early and Kelly was laying in bed with Stella, Zane would still be sleeping for about another hour. Kelly smiled "what did the doctor say."
Stella laughed "you might like what she has to say." Kelly laughed "oh really, what's that?" Stella kissed his shoulder "having sex can actually make me go into labor faster." Kelly smiled "we better get busy at making that happen then."
Kelly started to kiss her and took her, and took her underwear off.
He wasn't playing around, he wanted to get his girl into labor. He took his pants off and he got closer to Stella and put his duck in her mouth for her to suck and get it hard for he could put it inside her. He turned upside down for he could suck her clit, while she sucked his dick.
He stopped sucking get clit and went to put his duck inside if her, she moaned "oh, that feels so good." She moaned some more. Kelly started to go really fast, he bent over and kissed her baby bump while still going really fast. She moaned " Oh Kelly."  He pulled out and she pushed him over for she could on top, she got on top and started to ride his dick. She was going really fast, she moaned " I'm close, baby." she went even fast and she cummed. Stella laid on he back for Kelly to suck her clit, after a few minutes of him sucking her clit he slid his penis back into her vagina. She moaned " mmmmh, Kelly faster." As she asked, he went faster.  She moaned so loud " mmmmh mmmhmmh, oh yeah baby."  Kelly didn't have enough time to pull out before he cummed inside of her. He pulled out and she sucked his dick. Kelly kissed her on the lips.
They got dressed ten minutes before Zane came running into their bedroom. Kelly smiled "good morning, son." Zane didn't say anything and got up on the bed. He went to Stella and she kissed his cheek. " Good morning bud."  he laid his head on her chest. He smiled "Good morning momma Stella." Kelly joked " What about me?" Zane giggled "Good morning daddy." 
After a while of being in bed, they all went downstairs, Kelly made them pancakes. Stella and Zane were cuddled up on the couch. Kelly smiled " Pancakes are done." Stella and Zane went to sit at the table Stella kissed him before she sat down.
Kelly had to be at the firehouse in 30 minutes. Kelly got ready, and give Stella and Zane a kiss and smiled " If anything changes give me a call okay, babe?" Stella nodded " of course."
Kelly went to work, and Stella watched Zane play. Zane got hungry and started to get angry, he walked over to Stella, he started to cry. Stella picked him and sat him next to her she cuddled him, she asked " What's wrong? " He looked at her with a smile " I hungry."  Stella nodded " Okay, how about some mac and cheese?" He nodded " Yes, please." Stella stood up off the couch and he took her hand. They went to the kitchen to make mac and cheese. Stella feeds Zane and went and called Kelly. He answered on the first ring.
K: What's wrong, Baby?
Stella laughed
S: I can't just call and tell you that we are on the way to see you
K: You're coming to the firehouse?
S: Babe, is everything okay?
K: Yeah I'll see you at the house I love you okay, bye.
S: Okay, I love-
Kelly ended the call.
Stella laughed, I wonder what he's up to she said as she walked out the front door. Kelly and everyone else at the firehouse were putting together a baby shower. Kelly quickly helped put everything together. Kelly smiled " Thanks guys, for helping" They all laughed and matt smiled " are you kidding me, anything for you and Stella." Kelly finished helping and went to sit at the squad table and wait for Stella and Zane to pull up. After a few minutes of waiting they finally pulled up, Kelly ran down to the car and opened Stella's door, he smiled " Hi babe." She laughed and joked " What are you up too?" Kelly gave her a kiss " I just missed you." Stella joked " Its only been 4 hours." Kelly gave her another kiss and she smiled " get our son from the back seat." Kelly nodded " Yes, babe."
Kelly got Zane from the back seat and they all walked into the firehouse and everyone yelled " surprise! Happy due date day." Stella laughed " thank you guys, but is that even a thing?" Kelly laughed " of course it babe." Kelly put Zane down and he went running and screaming to Brett. Kelly had Stella sit down on the couch. He started to hand her gifts that they got for the baby. She started to open them they got a lot of diapers, and wipes and onesies that are mostly about firefighters. There was one thing left and Kelly smiled "this one is for Zane." Zane went and sat on the couch next to Stella. Kelly handed him the bag and Zane opened the bag, it was a shirt. Zand smiled " momma Stella, will you read this to me?" Stella nodded " of course bud. It says Bodyguard for my new baby sister." Zane nodded " Yeah, baby sister." After a few hours, Stella took Zane home to get him ready for bed. She still wasn't having any contractions. Stella sent Kelly a text that said " Goodnight my love, I will call you if anything changes. Be safe and have a great night, I love you." Kelly texted back "Goodnight beautiful, I love you too."

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