Part 12: are you??

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Day two of honeymoon for the Severides, they were soaking up every second of it. It was almost 100° in Florida, Stella and Kelly loved it very much.
Stella woke up on her side of the bed and rolled over to face her sleeping hubby. She moved closer to him and kissed his shoulder. She didn't want to wake him but she wanted cuddles. She put her leg on top of his and rested her hand by his chest.
Kelly woke up about 10 minutes later. "Good morning, handsome," greeted Stella. "Good morning, sunshine," said Kelly with a kiss. He put his arm around her head. He kissed her forehead and she cuddled up to him. "Can we just like never leave from this spot, we have room service, and like everything we need right here in this room," joked Stella. "What about our kids, and work," asked Kelly. "Fly our kids here and forget about the job," joked Stella "no I love my job," she added. "Me too," told Kelly. They both laughed and she slowly sat up and there was a knock on their door. "Room service," told the lady from the door. Stella threw on her white robe and opened it was the room Service Kelly ordered last night before he went to bed to surprise Stella. "Pancakes in bed," asked Stella, "thank you," she added, closing the door. "Yes, I ordered them last night before we went to bed," "thanks, babe," told Stella. "You're welcome, my beautiful wife," told Kelly.
They ate their pancakes and drunk their coffee before Kelly got out bed without a shirt and he only had some boxers on. Stella eyeballed him up and down. "Don't you even look at me like that," joked Kelly. She stood up and undid her robe, she had black lingerie bodysuit on. She took his hand and went into the bathroom and started to kiss him. She turned on the water and they took a shower together.
After there shower, they went to the beach
Kelly was sitting in the sand while Stella went to fill what the water felt like she got fully in the water. She got back out and Kelly was laying on a beach towel with his eyes closed she walked to him and laid down on top of him. "Hey you," told Kelly. Stella kissed his cheek and laughed "Hey." "Why are you so wet," asked Kelly. "Because I went into the water," told Stella. " I thought you were just checking to see if it was cold," asked Kelly. "But, it wasn't so I wanted to get in," told Stella. "Come on, work on your tan later," joked Stella. She stood up and pulled Kelly up off the ground and then jumped on his back, "to the water we go," told Stella. Kelly pulled her over his shoulder, her head almost touching the ground. She yelled, "Hey, put me down." That's exactly what Kelly did head into the sand. "Kelly, really," asked Stella. "You said to put you down," told Kelly. "Yeah, but now my hair is going to have sand in it," told Stella. She started to get really mad and almost started to cry. Kelly pulled her into his arms. "I'm sorry babe, don't cry please," told Kelly. Stella's eyes started to fill up with tears. "Babe, it's just hair, you can wash it," Kelly said calmly. Stella started to sob. Kelly picked her up and walked to the beach towel. Kelly sat down on the towel and Put Stella on his lap. He kissed her forehead and pulled her into a tight hug. She put her head on his chest and he ran his fingers through her hair. He knew that something more was wrong because he knew that she wouldn't start crying just because there was sand in her hair. "Do you feel sick, or are you tired, or hungry," asked Kelly. She whispered while still sobbing, "no, I'm not sick, tired, or hungry." "Okay, baby, what's wrong, did Something happen," Asked Kelly. " I don't know what's wrong, I usually don't get mad or upset about my hair," told Stella. "I know that's why I'm worried about you," said Kelly. He kissed her forehead. "Can we go back to the room," Asked Stella. "Absolutely, let's go," told Kelly. Stella stood up and waited for Kelly. He grabbed the towel and took her hand. Kelly kissed her cheek. When they got into the room Stella fell on the bed and started to Sob again. Kelly laid next to her and just cuddled her he didn't ask questions he just laid there with her and held her in his arms. "Baby, I think I'm pregnant," Stella said Still sobbing. " really," asked Kelly. " yeah, if you remember when I was pregnant with Olivia for the first like 5 weeks I was really emotional, we should get a pregnancy test," told Stella. "We can Uber to the store get a pregnancy test," Kelly said. Stella kissed him and he smiled "I get the Uber," told Kelly. He got the Uber and the waited outside for the Uber to come and when the Uber came Stella and Kelly got into the car she sat next to Kelly in the backseat and cuddled up to him. Kelly kissed her head "we want a baby anyways," told Kelly. "I know, I hope it says I'm pregnant," Stella. Kelly agreed and gave her a kiss.
They got to CVS and went inside. Stella and Kelly went and got a box of pregnancy tests. Stella wanted chocolate milk and pickles. "Are you going to mix them," asked Kelly "eww no, I'm going to drink the chocolate milk and eat the pickles," told Stella. "Is that a pregnancy craving?" Asked Kelly. "Probably, if I'm pregnant," joked Stella. Kelly and Stella got their stuff and waited for their uber.
They got to their hotel Stella took the test and she was sitting on the bed next to Kelly with the test face down and was waiting for her timer on her phone to go off.
The timer was up three minutes later. She flipped over the test and looked at it. The test was positive. Stella started to cry again. Kelly hugged her and kissed her forehead. "We're going to have another baby, babe," told Kelly. " I know," Said Stella crying but with a smile. "Are you happy," asked Kelly. "Yes, I'm so excited to have another baby with you, I love you so much." Said Stella. "I love you too, babe," Kelly said and kissed her forehead.

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