Part 13: Not Again

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Kelly and Stella have been home from Florida for about a week. Stella was really excited to have her first appointment to see how far she was and to just make sure that she was really pregnant. They took a cheaper pregnancy test, so what if it was wrong and it was a false-positive which was really rare.
Stella and Kelly dropped both kids off at the babysitters and drove to the Doctor's.
She took them right back. "I've been told that while you were in Florida you got a scare so you took a home pregnancy test, and it was positive." Asked the Doctor. "Yeah, it was one of the cheaper ones, I know it's rare but is there a way it can be a false- positive," asked Stella. "I mean yes, but like you said it's very rare, I get like 2 a year, was the lines dark or light," asked the Doctor. "One line was really dark but she other was really light, if I didn't look twice we wouldn't have even seen it kind of light," explained Stella. "Okay, how about we take a look," asked the Doctor. "Yeah," said Stella.
The doctor put the gel on her stomach and started the ultrasound. The Doctor took the wand around her stomach a few times and tried to find a baby. "I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Severide, you're not pregnant, that test was a False Positive," said the Doctor. "What caused it to do that," asked Kelly. " There are many different things that could have caused it, like recent pregnancy loss, Medicine, chemical pregnancy those are the main things that cause False pregnancy," told the doctor. "I don't think I have had any of those definitely not a loss pregnancy and I'm not on medication, I had a baby 6 months ago," told Stella. "That wouldn't matter, it could honestly be just the pregnancy test itself and have nothing to do with you, if you want we can take some blood to make sure we didn't miss anything on the ultrasound," suggested the doctor. "Yes, please do that," told Stella.
The doctor left and Kelly hugged Stella tight, he thought she was going to cry, but she didn't. " I really thought we were going to have another baby," told Stella. " We will have another baby, or 5." Told Kelly. Stella kissed him. The nurse came in and took Stella's blood. The blood work took about 1 hour for it to come back. When it came back the doctor came back and talked with Stella and Kelly. "I'm sorry but you're blood work came back negative," told the doctor. " thank you," told Kelly. "Any questions," asked the doctor. " Will I ever be able to get pregnant again," asked Stella. "Absolutely, everything looks great, you're very healthy," told the doctor. "Oh, thank goodness," told Stella
They went and got their babies from the babysitter and went home. Stella picked Olivia up from her car seat and laid her on her chest and sat on the couch with her. Zane ran to the couch and sat next to Stella. "Momma Stella I cuddles," asked Zane. "Momma Stella is cuddling sissy right now bud," told Kelly. "Momma Stella cuddle me too," gelled Zane. "Hey, you don't talk to your daddy like that," told Stella. "Sorry, momma. Cuddles" told Zane. "Yes, come here,"  told Stella. Zane sat in Stella's lap and laid his head on her chest and she kissed his head. "Stella, you can't always give in to him," told Kelly. "Babe, he wants cuddles, nothing more and he is fine and Olivia is fine," told Stella and then added "why are you so mad about that," asked Stella. "I just don't want one getting treated differently," told Kelly. "You're treating Zane differently then Olivia, I don't want that either, that's why he his cuddling with his momma Stella," reassured Stella. "How are we ever going to have more kids if you can't treat them all the same," she added. "We will make it work," told Kelly. "No, you're going to start treating them the same, stop yelling at Zane for no reason," Yelled Stella. She made Zane get up and put Olivia in her swing and walked upstairs. Zane falling on the floor crying. Stella took a breath and went back downstairs to Zane and picked him up. "Momma Stella sad," asked Zane. "No, momma Stella happy," Stella said even though she was really mad and frustrated with Kelly.
Kelly walked to her and Zane and sat on the floor next to them. He wiped the tears off Stella's face and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry, baby, " said Kelly. Stella looked away from him and she looked back. "Kelly this is the second time something like this has happened, and it can't continue. You can't keep Zane away from me when I have Olivia it doesn't work like that, they are both my kids and they both want my love, I can't just give it to one of them," told Stella. "I know, it won't happen again, I love you so much," told Kelly. " I love you, too!! You need to apologize to your son," told Stella. "Zane, bud, I'm sorry for yelling at you, I love you buddy," told Kelly. "I love you daddy," told Zane. Kelly stood up and went to get Olivia and went and sat back down. He pulled Stella and Zane and Olivia into a hug and kissed them all.
Kelly, Stella, Zane, and Olivia were all laying on the couch watching movie cuddling. "Should we have pizza for dinner," asked Kelly. "Yeah," Zane said really excited. Kelly grabbed his phone from his pocket and ordered pizza. They waited for the pizza to come and when it finally came they were so hungry. Kelly set the table and they sat down at the table to eat their pizza.
After a few hours, both kids were put to bed. Stella and Kelly were cuddling in bed. "Babe, whenever you're ready we can start trying again for a baby," told Kelly. "Let's wait for a little," told Stella. "Okay, babe," told Kelly. He kissed her. Kelly gave her a forehead kiss. She rolled into his arms and laid her head on his chest. Kelly kissed the top of her head and started to rub her back. She started to fall asleep in his arms. Kelly kissed her head again. 
"Goodnight my love," told Kelly. "Goodnight," Stella said tired.

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