Part 10: Halloween

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It's Halloween! Olivia Layne Severide's very first Halloween. Little Olivia's first Halloween costume is Minnie Mouse. Her big brother Zane is Mickey Mouse. Kelly and Stella are throwing a Halloween party than taking the kids to go Trick or treating.
Before people started to show up at the Severide House Olivia and Zane had to get into their costumes. "Your momma is going to love your costume bud," Told Kelly after helping his son put on the little mickey ears Zane ran into the bedroom where Stella was finishing putting Olivia into her Minnie costume. "Wow bud, I love it," Told Stella with a smile on her face. " My pretty Minnie Mouse, I love it," Told Kelly picking up Olivia and kissing her cheek. " Momma Stella, Sissy cute," Zane said. "Yes, she is so cute," Told Sella.
When people started to show up at the Severides house Stella was telling everyone the games they wore going to play before going trick or treating. " we are going to play poke a pumpkin," Told Stella. " Line up youngest to oldest," added Stella Zane was the youngest of all the kids, Kelly and Matt went to the end of the line. Stella walked to Kelly and hit him upside the head "Awwe my big baby you don't get to play," told Stella.  Matt laughed "haha you don't get to play poke the pumpkin." Stella and Kelly both gave him that look. "Neither do you," told Stella. Kelly laughed at him too. " Babe, help your son reach the cups please," Told Stella with a kiss.
After playing poke the pumpkin they all ate some food they had bat-shaped PB&J sandwiches and candy corn cupcakes.
Time to go trick or treating
Kelly set up the stroller for Zane and Olivia. He took crying Olivia from Herrmann and kissed her cheek and whispered, "daddy's got you, your okay." Olivia stopped crying and rested her head on Kelly's shoulder. Stella walked up behind him  "Someone is tired," told Stella. Kelly agreed and laid her down in the stroller and Sella helped Zane into the stroller. "Candy time," asked Zane. " Yes, bud," told Stella and kissed his head. Stella ran to the nursery to grab a blanket or two.  
They were walking on the sidewalk and Kelly was pushing the stroller  Sella placed her hand on his back. At the first house Stella took Zane up to the door, Olivia was already asleep in the stroller. Kelly watched his wife and son from the end of the driveway. The sweet little old lady opened the door Zane got scared and grabbed Stella's leg Stella bent down and Zane asked "Momma Stella, what I say?" " Trick or treat," Stella said with a laugh. " Trick or treat," said Zane to the lady. She gave him some candy and said " Happy Halloween," Said the lady. " Thank you," told Stella and Zane ran to Kelly " Candy," Zane told to Kelly showing him his candy. " yeah bud, that will be full before we are done," told Kelly. Stella picked Zane up and tried to put him back in the stroller, " No, Momma Stella, me walk," Zane asked. "Sure," Stella said. Zane and Kelly went to the next house. A guy opened the door " trick or treat," Told Zane. The guy put 3 KitKat bars in Zane's little bag. "Thank you," told Zane. " Happy Halloween," told the guy. "Happy Halloween," told Kelly.
After walking around and going to houses they finally were back at their house. Kelly picked up his sleeping princess from the stroller and she started to cry. Kelly placed her in his arms and held her tight and kissed her head " Your okay, I got you, baby girl," told Kelly. After crying for a few seconds Olivia stopped crying and went back to sleep with the warmth of Kelly's arms. Kelly took her up to the nursery and rocked her in the rocking chair. Right before he was about to put her down in the crib she woke up and started to cry because her diaper was wet. Kelly changed her and rocked her back to sleep. He kissed her head softly and placed her in the crib. He went downstairs and saw Stella and Zane going threw his candy. "What are you doing," asked Kelly. "Momma Stella making sure they didn't poison my candy," told Zane is a little funny voice. Kelly laughed "can I help," asked Kelly. "Yes,"'told Zane. Kelly sat on. The floor and Zane went and sat on his lap. Stella finished going through the candy "all good, Zane you can eat one piece now and eat some more tomorrow after breakfast. Momma will put it in a safe place where daddy won't eat it," told Stella. "Thank you, momma," Zane said and picked one Hershey's hugs kiss. "Momma Stella, too," told Zane. "Thanks, bud," told Stella. "Daddy too," told Zane. "Thanks, bud," told Kelly.  Stella and Kelly both got a piece of chocolate.
Zane was getting really tired Stella and Kelly let him stay up a little longer past his bedtime. "Momma Stella, cuddle me," asked Zane. "Yes baby, come to momma Stella," told Stella. Zane went to Stella and laid his head on her chest. She kissed his head and after a little time he was fast asleep and Stella took him upstairs and put him in his bed and covered him up and kissed his head and turned off the light and closed the door.
Kelly was upstairs in their room getting ready for bed and Stella opened to the door when he was putting shorts on.  "leave them off," joked Stella. He had already put them on. " I'll take them back off," Kelly said with a wink. " just come cuddle me," told Stella. Kelly got in bed with his shorts on and no shirt. Stella was in just her underwear and a bra and a button-up shirt. She covered up with the bedsheet. Kelly laid on his side to face her and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "I wanna have another baby," told Stella. " right now," Asked Kelly "Olivia is only 5 months," added Kelly. "I know but before we get pregnant she will be around 6-7 months then in another 9 months she will be 15-16 months," explained Stella. " let's have another baby," told Kelly "really," asked Stella. "Yeah," Kelly said with a laugh. Stella kisses him and hugged him and placed her head on his chest. " I love you," told Kelly. "I love you too," told Stella.

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