Part 14: Back to Work

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Stella was going back to work for the first time since she had Olivia. She was excited but nervous to leave her babies; Zane and Olivia.
She got dressed and they took their kids to Cindy Herrmann's house, she was watching them while they both were working.
Once they got there she knew what was about to happen, she almost started to cry, when Herrmann's youngest son Luke ran outside and took Zane to play in his room. The youngest Herrmann girl ran outside "can I take Olivia to play in my room with me," asked Annabelle. " of course you can in one second," told Stella. She kissed Olivia's head and whispered "mamma will be back just in one goodnight sleep. I love you baby girl." Kelly rubbed Stella's back. "Can I go see Zane," asked Stella. " of course," told Cindy. Kelly and Stella went to Luke's room. "Bye sweet boy," told Stella. "Bye-bye momma Stella and daddy ," told Zane. "I love you sweet boy. Help take care of sissy okay," told Stella. "Okay momma Stella. Love you momma," told Zane. " love you bud," told Kelly. "Love you daddy," told Zane.
Stella and Kelly headed to work. Stella was almost in tears. They were a little early for shift. "Come here," told Kelly. Stella moved closer to Kelly. He hugged her tight and kissed her head. She started to sob. Kelly held her tightly. "They are going to be fine," Kelly said. "I know, it's just the first time I have been away from both of them at the same time," told Stella. "They will be okay, I'm sure if they miss us too much Cindy will bring them to the firehouse," told Kelly. He lightly kissed her lips and wiped her tears away from her face.
After a few hours of being on shift Stella was just relaxing in Kelly's quarters and there was a knock at the door. Then Stella heard a crying baby. Stella opened the door. "I've tried everything, changing her diaper, feeding her, trying to put her down for a nap, everything that she could possibly be crying about, I can't get her to stop, I think she wants you," Stella grabbed Olivia from Cindy. "Okay, where is Zane," asked Stella. "With Herrmann and Brett." Told Cindy. Kelly walked out of his office and went to find Zane. "Daddy," he called. "Hi bud," Kelly said, picking his son up into his arms. "I play with Uncle Herrmann and Auntie Brett," told Zane "I see." Kelly kissed his head and put him down. "Will you keep an eye on him for a few minutes please," asked Kelly  "absolutely," told Herrmann. They went back to playing. Kelly went back to see if Stella got Olivia to stop crying.
Back in Kelly's quarters
Stella was rocking Olivia and she was still crying. "Can I try, babe," Asked Kelly. "Of course, have at it," told Stella. Kelly took his shirt off, sat on the bed, and laid his sweet little princess on his chest, and soon after she stopped crying and just looked up at him. Olivia just smiled "ah-ah," Olivia cooed at her daddy. Stella and Cindy laughed. "Wow baby, that is impressive," told Stella. Kelly smiled. "Thank you." After about 15 minutes Olivia was asleep and Kelly walked her out to Cindy Shirtless. Matt joked "damn your hot shirtless." Kelly joked " I know." "Damn he's so hot," told Stella. She gave him a kiss and walked off shaking her butt as she walked into the kitchen. Cindy, Zane, and Olivia left.
Sex warning ⚠️
It was late and dark in the firehouse when Stella made her way to her Hubby's office. He was laying in bed staring into her eyes. She laid on top of him and started to kiss him passionately. He whispered in her ear, "if we are going to do this we have to be really quiet." "Fine with me," told Stella she pulled her shirt over her head. He put her hands over the outline of his dick and started to massage his dick through his pants. Kelly wanted to moan so bad. " shh, you told me we have to be quiet, so shh," told Stella quietly. She unzipped his fly and took his dick into her hands. She spit on it and started to suck his dick. He had enough and flipped her over for he was on top. He took her pants off and started to kiss and pull on her clit. He took one of his fingers and started to finger her. Stella let out a little moan. "Shh" told Kelly. Stella got back on top and started to grind on Kelly. That gave him a big Bonner. She slid his dick inside of her and started to go really fast. Kelly pulled out and flipped her over and put it back in. Stella wanted to moan really  bad but Kelly put his hand over her mouth.  "You are so tight, it feels so good," he whispered.  "I'm going to cum," whispered Stella. She cummed all over his dick. He sucked her clit. She wanted to just moan. She grabbed the bedsheets and arched her back. "You like that," whispered Kelly. "Mmmmh," Stella moaned quietly. Kelly put his dick back inside of her and went really fast. Stella arched her back and Squeezed Kelly's hand. He cummed inside of her.
Kelly and Stella got dressed and Stella laid in the bed with Kelly and cuddled him and fell asleep with her head by his chest.
They got woken up with a knock at the door. "Breakfast," Ritter said at 5 in the morning. "Okay," told Kelly. Stella slowly woke up and Kelly kissed her forehead. "Good morning, my love," told Kelly. "Good morning, baby," told Stella.
They went and ate breakfast with everyone then soon at 8 o'clock came and they got dressed and left and went to get their babies.
At Cindy's
"Momma, daddy," yelled Zane "hey bud," told Stella. Cindy came to the living room with Olivia. "My baby," told Stella. Cindy handed Olivia to Stella. She kissed Olivia's head and Olivia smiled at her mommy. Stella Handed Olivia to Kelly. " Hi, my princess," Kelly said, kissing her head. They all walked into the car, Kelly holding Olivia in his arms Zane holding Stella and Kelly's hand. They went home as a family.

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