Part 2: Mother's Day

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One Sunday in May, little chilly, no shift day, but one of Stella's favorite day, Mother's day.
Kelly got up with Zane for the could surprise momma Stella. Kelly woke Zane up and Kelly asked him "Zane, what is today?" Zane smiled "It's Momma's day." Kelly laughed " That's right, who are we surprising today? Who is coming to us today?" Zane smiled Momma Stella and Mommy." Kelly nodded " That's right, good job. Now let's go start everything for momma Stella." Zane jumped out of bed and pulled his daddy downstairs. Kelly started the pancakes and Zane was coloring his cards for his momma Stella and mommy. Kelly finished the pancakes as soon as Zane finished his cards. Kelly grabbed the flowers for Stella and handed them tp Zane, he smiled "Here, you carry these along with the card for momma Stella upstairs." Zane followed Kelly upstairs. Zane climbed on the bed sat the flowers and card down, he laid next to Stella, he kissed her forehead, and she woke up and he smiled "Happy momma's day." Stella smiled and kissed his cheek " Thanks bud, Are those for me?" Zane smiled "Yeah, here momma Stella." He handed her his handmade card, red rose, and sunflowers. Kelly came around to the other side of the bed and kissed his girlfriend and handed her the pancakes and coffee. Stella smiled "Thank you both, I love you, my boys." Zane smiled "love you momma Stella." Kelly also smiled "I love you too."

Stella eats her pancake and drank one cup of coffee in bed, with her boys on her side. She finally got out of bed to get dressed, she knew that Emma would be there soon. Kelly didn't get her flowers and he's not making her pancakes or anything, he's letting see her child on mother's day, Zane made her a handmade card. Stella and Emma got along for Zane and Kelly, but they didn't really like each other.
After a few minutes of them sitting on the couch watching Zane play with his fire truck and firemen and women. There was a knock on the door, Kelly smiled at Zane " Guess who is here." Zane smiled " Mommy." Kelly nodded "Yeah, that's right." Kelly went to get the door, Zane went and got up on Stella's lap he asked with a sad look on his face " momma Stella, I go to mommy's home?" Stella smiled "No, you're not going home with mommy." Zane smiled and hugged her. Emma and Kelly walked into the living room. Emma smiled at Zane " Hi bud." Zane got off Stella's lap and went to hug her, he smiled " Happy momma's day, mommy." He handed her his card he made for her. Stella laughed " He handmade that for you." Emma laughed "I love it." Emma was there for about 30 minutes and then left. Stella smiled "something weird happened when you left to open the door for Emma." Kelly looked at her " What do you mean?" Stella smiled " When you said Emma was here he came to my lap and asked I go mommy home. He was asking me if he was going home, but that's not all." Kelly looked confused "What else babe?" Stella smiled " He didn't look so happy when he asked if he was going home with Emma. I don't know maybe its normal for him to feel like that." Kelly nodded " it doesn't even matter, he likes it a lot more here then he did there." Stella nodded " yeah, I know." She gave him a kiss. Zane walked to the couch with his women firefighter " Momma Stella?" Stella laughed "yeah it does look like momma Stella." Zane smiled "Momma Stella, play?" Stella sat her very pregnant self on the floor to play with the firetrucks with Zane, Kelly went to start preparing dinner After about 15 minutes of playing she was going to get up to help Kelly with dinner. She tried every different way she could think of to et off the floor, she soon gave up she started to laugh and yelled "Kelly, my love, can you help your very pregnant girlfriend get off the floor?" Kelly came laughing " Of course." Stella joked " This is your fault, and you know it." Kelly joked back " actually, you're the one who had a little too much tequila that night." She laughed "its not my fault your so damn hot and didn't let me pay for my own drinks, it's not like we haven't had sex before." Kelly laughed " And we were dating." Kelly picked his girlfriend off the floor, carried her to the kitchen. She asked with a smile on her face, " What are you making me?" Kelly kissed the top of her head, "Creamy Lemon Parmesan Chicken" Stella got a big smile on her " You know the way to a girl's heart. My heart." Kelly laughed " Happy mother's day! I love you. Thank you for being so perfect for me and Zane, and soon to be baby girl. Thank you for treating Zane as your own little baby." Stella hugged him and kissed his cheek. " I love you too, you, Zane, and baby girl are just a blessing." Kelly gave her a kiss. Stella laughed " We need to pick a name for baby girl." Kelly nodded " I know and we will, how about we talk it out?" Stella started to cut the chicken and while she did she called out names like " Zoey, Zuri, Zola, Scarlett, Sierra, Summer, Kingsley, Olivia. Do you like any of those?" Kelly smiled " I like the name Olivia and Zuri the most." Stella nodded " Which one do you like more?" Kelly smiled "Olivia." Stella finished cutting the chicken, walked up behind Kelly, and hugged him from behind, she smiled "I think we have our baby's first name. What about the middle name, Layne?" Kelly turned to face her "Olivia Layne Severide, it's perfect." Stella kissed him. Kelly heard little footsteps approaching, Zane smiled and said in his baby voice "Momma Stella, I hungry." Stella smiled at him "how about we go sit at the table while daddy finishes up dinner?" Zane took her hand and they sat at the table and Kelly brought them their food, they all sat down a the table as a family to have their mother's day dinner.

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