Part 8: Stellaride Wedding

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Today is the big day! Stella and Kelly are getting married. Stella can't remind herself enough that she just not marrying her best friend but she is also committing herself to Zane. She has already planned out a whole speech for Zane also. She put on her very beautiful, long, sweetheart, sparkly, mermaid wedding dress, with her hair put back into a very nice low bun with a veil, she added her diamond earrings and necklace. Kelly got dressed up in his all-black suit and went to wait for his bride at the end of the aisle. It was almost time for Stella to walk down the aisle. Brett and Casey walked down first and now it's time for Foster and Cruz. Then Zane was walking down the aisle with a sign that said " here comes your bride daddy." Then he went to sit by Donna who was watching Olivia.
Stella started to walk down the aisle with Chief Boden and Kelly met her halfway and walked her the rest of the way down. He took her hands and the preacher started to talk,
" We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, and to cherish the words which shall unite Stella and Kelly in marriage. This ceremony will not create a relationship that does not already exist between you both. It is a symbol of how far you have come. No matter what challenges you face, you will face them together. The love between you joins as one. 
The bride and Groom have some words to share and also Stella has a few words for her stepson Zane."
Stella was already crying and started her vows for Kelly. Brett handed her the paper with her vows on it.
"My promise to you is simple, I'll endure until the end. I'll be your one and only, your lover and your friend, I'll listen and I'll nurture, I'll fight and I'll be true. I'll do my equal share and I will never give up on you. I'll try my very best, to fulfill your every need. I'll walk beside you hand in hand, I'll help you succeed. I'll give you room to grow, I'll tend to you when you are sick, build you up when you are low. No matter what hard times we face, our love will make it through. I love you Kelly Severide," promised Stella to Kelly.
He mouthed to her, "I love you too."
He had the biggest smile on his face while crying. He got the paper with his vows on it and smiled, " I promise to kill the spiders. I will share my fries when you have finished yours and are still hungry. I will eat the mushrooms when we order the supreme pizza. I will kiss the paper cuts and door-slammed fingers. I will send you random text to remind you that I love you and leave you silly gifts not always, not on a schedule, just whenever I think you need one, or ten. I will check your tire pressure and remind you to take your car in. I will be the big spoon. I will hold your hand. I will always make sure you and our kids will be my number one priority. I will love you, I will love you, I will love you."
Stella laughed and wiped the tears off her face even though she knew that they were going to just come back when she read Zane her vows to him.
"Zane, will you come to see your momma?" Zane stood up and went to see Stella. She bent down and smiled, "I love you like your mine. When I first met your dad, little did I know, that over time I'd love you too. As years would come and go I never dreamt my blessing would be multiplied. That life would just seem more complete when you were by our side. I know we've had some trials, As families always do, but we have shared so much laughter, and special moments too. As I promise my love, support, and loyalty to your dad, I also offer the same for you. I promise to be there for you when you need me, to support you in all you do, to give you a warm and comfortable home, and I look forward to adding something special to your life for all the days to come.  I love you like your mine."
Kelly had to wipe the tears off his face before bending down pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket. Zane smiled, "momma Stella, I love you, daddy has my words for you, cause I can't read or write." Stella and everyone else laughed. Kelly started to talk, "I may not have your eyes or your smile but I'm really happy to call you momma Stella and I love you so much. Thank you for loving me as your own baby. Since you and my daddy are married or almost married will you sign some papers and adopt me?" Zane added, "momma Stella, adopt me?" Stella nodded and kissed Zane, "yes, yes, yes! I will adopt you, my sweet boy." Everyone clapped. Zane went back and sat next to Donna and the preacher continued after they gave each other their rings,
" Here we are here right now for the first time Mrs. And Mr. Kelly Severide.  Kelly, you may kiss your bride."
Kelly gave Stella a big kiss and then wiped the tears off her cheeks.
At the reception
It was time for Brett to give her maid of honor speech. She stood up and smiled," Good evening I'm Sylvie, one of Stella's best friends, I was really honored to be her maid of honor. I'm so excited for Kelly and Stella to start a new life. I know Stella will be his one and only wife. They've spent time holding hands and sharing kisses. If there is one thing I promise to do it will be to Buy both your sides and see your marriage though. Kelly and Stella, you are very dear to my heart, so everyone let's raise our glasses for a new start." Stella and Kelly thanked her and it was time for Matt to give his speech.
Matt stood up from his chair and smiled, " Hello! I'm Matt Casey Kelly's best friend for about 8 years now and when he asked me to be his best man I was honored. Over the years I have never seen Kelly smile as much as he does with other the day when his son was born. Other then that day you don't see Kelly smile as much as he doesn't when he's with Stella so now they you are married I hope to see that smile every day. Stella is the perfect girl for Kelly, she makes the best come out of him. We love to see Kelly every day with that smile that he always has on his face because of Stella. I will support you both through anything that comes your way. Congratulations to you both."
Kelly and Stella smiled and told him to thank you as well. Kelly and Stella started their first dance; they danced to Speechless by Dan and Shay. 
After everyone started to leave they put their sleeping babies in the car and drove home. Kelly helped Stella get out of her dress and they had to wait to go on their honeymoon because they couldn't leave Olivia yet. They got into pajamas and cuddled in bed and watched a movie.

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