Part 20: A day in the life

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4 years later
Stella and Kelly had another son named Oliver, they adopted a sweet little girl named Lila. Zane is now in they 5th grade, Olivia is in the 3rd grade, Hazel is in kindergarten. Oliver is 3 years old and in Preschool. Lila is 11 months old and in day-care, when Stella and Kelly work.
That morning it was a school day, Stella and Kelly both had the day off. "Mom, do I have to go to school today," asked Zane; like he does on the daily. "Yes, son," told Stella. Zane wined and went back to his room to get dressed. Stella was in her room getting Lila ready for they day, she dressed her in a little black dress with flowers on it. Kelly was in Oliver's room getting him dressed. Olivia ran into her parents room, "mom, can you help me do my hair?" "Yes, one second," Stella said, finishing putting Lila's hair up in a little ponytail on the top of her head. Stella started to put Olivia's hair into a low ponytail. Olivia started to talk to Lila, "hi, my baby, I love you." Lila giggled. "Don't you just love her," asked Stella. "I love her," Told Olivia. Stella finished her ponytail. "All done, princess," told Stella. "Thank you, mommy," told Olivia. Stella kissed her head. Olivia ran out of her room and ran downstairs to eat breakfast with Zane, Hazel, Oliver, and Kelly. "Dad, does my hair look nice," asked Olivia. "Your hair looks beautiful, princess," told Kelly. "Thanks dad," told Olivia. Stella walked downstairs with Lila on her hip. "Hi, sissy and Momma," told Hazel. "Hi princess," told Stella.
After breakfast
"Everyone in the car in the next five minutes," told Kelly. "Yes, dad," told Zane and Olivia. Hazel ran and waited by the door. Five minutes passed and everyone was walking out the door. "Daddy, don't forget me," told Hazel. "I wouldn't leave you, princess," he said, picking the young girl into his other arm holding Lila in his other arm. Stella was hoping Oilver. They dropped the oldest kids off at school, the only kid left was Lila. They had the day off so they didn't send her to daycare. Stella and Kelly were trying to teach Lila how to say momma and daddy. They were going to breakfast with Brett and Casey.
They were going to Yolk- South Loop. They got a table, waiting for Brett and Casey to show up. Stella started to look at the menu; even though she knew exactly what she wanted already. Kelly and Stella got the same thing. Stella put Lila in the high chair. Kelly rested his hand on the back of her head and she leaned in for a kiss. " your so cute," told Stella. "I love you," told Kelly. "I love you too," told Stella.
Brett and Casey finally showed up to Yolk. "How's Auntie's baby," asked Brett, in her baby voice, talking to Lila. They ordered pancakes and coffee. "Any more babies coming soon," asked Brett. "Not at the moment, Kelly wants two more, I don't but we will probably go with what he wants and two more little Severide's running around," told Stella. "7 little Severide babies running around," told Brett. "Yeah, it's always been my dream to have a big family," told Kelly. "I want to do that for him," told Stella. "You guys are just the cutest," told Casey.
After breakfast they went home and put Lila down for a nap. Stella was laying on the couch and Kelly laid almost on top of her. "Will you actually give me two more kids," asked Kelly. "If you really want that in the next like two years, yes, of course I will have two more kids with you," told Stella. She rubbed her hands through his hair. Kelly gave her a kiss and laid his head on her chest. She gave him a kiss on his forehead. They took a nap for like an hour, until Lila woke up crying. Kelly went upstairs and grabbed her, he brought her downstairs and they sat on the couch and played with her. "Mama," babbled Lila. Stella looked at Kelly and looked shocked at him, "did she just say what I think she said," asked Stella. "Yeah," told Kelly. Stella threw her up in the air and laughed, "yeah, momma," told Stella.
After a few hours
They were in the car as a family, they had picked the kids up from School, it was a Friday so no homework. They enjoyed the evening, as a family. Kelly and Stella decided that they would take them to SafeHouse Chicago, for dinner, they went to amazing Chicago's Funhouse Maze. "Mom, come on," told Olivia. "Coming princess," told Stella, getting Lila out of the car.
They went inside the Funhouse Maze. "Mommy, I'm scared," said Oliver, as they waited at the desk to pay. "It will be okay, do you want mommy to hold you," asked Stella. Oliver nodded. Stella handed Lila to Kelly and picked up her youngest son Oliver. He laid his head on her shoulder, the next thing she knew he was sleeping. They started the maze, it started out easy and got harder as they went. Zane, Olivia, and Hazel were having a great time; Oliver and Lila not so much. They both were asleep, Oliver was sleeping on Stella's shoulder, Lila was sleeping on Kelly's shoulder. Stella tried telling Kelly to bring the stroller in but he didn't listen to her, and left it in the car.
After a little time they got through the maze and it was getting a little late. They wanted to head home and get ready for bed.
Kelly got bath water going for Lila and Oliver to take a bath. Once he got them out of the bath and dressed he took them to Stella, she sent them two girls to Kelly for the could take a bath.
"Dad, when do we get to stop taking baths," asked Olivia. "Baby, you can take a shower next time, Hazel, you can shower with mom next time," told Kelly. "Okay," told Olivia and Hazel. Kelly finished with their bath and got them dressed into PJ'S. "Thanks dad," told Olivia. "You're welcome Princess," told Kelly. Stella would French Braid their hair now, since the two youngest were in bed sleeping.
Kelly got Zane's shower water ready and told him what to do. Once he was done he got dressed and waited for Kelly and Stella in his room. "Goodnight son," told Kelly. "Goodnight dad and mom," told Zane. "We love you," told Stella.'"I love you too," told Zane.
After about 1 hour all the kids were fed, cleaned, and in bed. It was time for Kelly and Stella alone time. Kelly opened a bottle of wine. They cuddled on the couch and drank some wine. After their movie they went up to their bedroom and cuddled till they fell asleep.

Thank you all so much for reading!! It means so much to me!! In the next few days I'm going to post a PG13 book with Stellaride Sex Parts, Called Fire and Sex. I'm not sure when I will post it but here soon. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. I love y'all 💕

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