Part 16: Time Jump

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Time jump! The Severides added a new member to their family. 3 years later
Zane Severide
6 years old
First grade

 3 years later Zane Severide 6 years old First grade

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Olivia Layne
4 years old

Olivia Layne 4 years old Pre-school

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Hazel Faith
5 months old

Saturday morning, Stella and Kelly have the day off, they are going to spend the day as a family

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Saturday morning, Stella and Kelly have the day off, they are going to spend the day as a family.
There was a little snow on the ground. They dressed the kids in warm clothes and loaded them into the car.
Zane has on a black sweater, distressed blue jeans, and boots. Olivia has on a shirt with a jacket, distressed jeans, and boots. She definitely has a sassy attitude like her mom, and the black, thick, curly hair to match. Haze has a while onesie and jeans and little boots and a big black bow.
"Everyone in the car in five," said Kelly. Olivia rolled her eyes and walked to wait by the door. "Did you just roll your eyes at me," asked Kelly. "Yeah," told Oliva. "Okay, enough with the sass little girl," told Kelly. Stella walked downstairs with the baby on her hip. "Zane are you ready," asked Kelly. "Coming dad," told Zane. They started to walk out the door to leave. "Daddy, hold me," told Olivia. "I think you're missing the magic word," corrected Kelly. "Daddy, hold me please," asked Olivia. "Thank you, much better," told Kelly. They loaded into the car. Kelly was driving, He took Stella's hand. "Are we ready to go," asked Stella. "Yes, mom," told Zane and Olivia.
Before driving off Kelly gave Stella a kiss. "Eww," told Zane and Olivia. They were going to Safehouse Chicago for lunch and to let the kids burn off some energy.
When they got to Safehouse Chicago Olivia took Kelly's hand while he was holding Hazel's car seat. Zane held Stella's hand.
"Why doesn't Zane have black hair like me, Hazel, and momma," asked Olivia, waiting for their food and going to play. "Because he's different," told Kelly. "Because Momma Stella isn't my mom," told Zane. "That doesn't matter, momma Stella, is your mom, you just have a different mom who gave birth to you, but Who do you call mom," asked Kelly. "Momma Stella," told Zane. "That's right, who do you love and loves you," asked Kelly. "Momma Stella, I love her so much," told Zane. "I love you bud," told Stella. She was almost crying. "The point is Olivia, no matter the color of your brother's hair or who is brith mom is, the main point is that we are a family," told Kelly. "Yeah," told Olivia.
Their food came out and they ate. The kids went to play. "You handed that great," told Stella. "Thank you," told Kelly. She gave him a kiss. Stella took Hazel out of the car seat and took her with Kelly to play with some toys.
After Safehouse Chicago they went home.
"Boss Baby," asked Olivia as they walked inside the house. "Yes we can watch Boss baby," told Stella. They all cuddled on the couch and watched Boss Baby. "Our babies are growing up," told Stella. "I know it's really sad to see how fast they grow." Told Kelly. Stella agreed.
A few hours passed, Stella and Kelly started to make dinner. They were making homemade chicken tacos. Stella started to cook the chicken, Kelly stood behind her and hug her. He kissed her neck. "No, Kelly, don't do that to me, I'm trying to make dinner for our kids," told Stella with a giggle. "You like that," asked Kelly with a laugh. "Kelly Severide, stop," Stella said, breathing slightly heavy.  "Come on," told Kelly. "I love you, but not now, No," told Stella. "5 minutes," asked Kelly. "Absolutely, not," told Stella. "Later," asked Kelly. "Only if you're good," joked Stella. Kelly agreed and helped her finish dinner. They had dinner and put the kids to bed.
⚠️Sex parts⚠️
Stella went to take a shower. After her being in the shower for a few minutes Kelly joined her. "Was I a good boy," asked Kelly. "Oh yes, a very good boy," told Stella. She got on her knees and started to suck his dick. "Oh, Stella," Kelly started to moan. She put his whole Dick in her mouth. "Does that feel good," asked Stella. Kelly nodded. She sucked it harder. "Stella," moaned Kelly. Kelly got a big Boner really fast. Kelly picked her up, turned off the water from the shower, and carried her butt naked to their bedroom;  Just right on the other side of the hall. He laid her on the bed, they got into the 69 positions. He ate her pussy while she ducked his dick at the same time. After a little time, he flipped her around and put his dick inside of her. She started to moan. "Shh, don't want to wake the kids," told Kelly. He started to go fast. "Mmmh," Stella moaned quietly. After a few minutes, Stella got on top and did her thing. She rode him so fast. "Don't stop," told Kelly. Stella rode him even faster. Kelly was rubbing her clit as she rode his dick. Kelly was trying so hard to not moan. Stella was a moaning mess. She was being very quiet at the same time. She rode him extremely fast. "I'm going to cum," told Kelly. Be slapped her ass, "ahh, hit me, baby, one more time,"
Told Stella referencing '...  Baby one more time Britney Spears.' Kelly slapped her Ass and she still rode him. "I'm cumming," said Kelly. He cumed inside of her. She didn't stop, she continued to ride him for a minute before sucking his dick, she could taste the cum. She got back on top and rode him really fast. "Mmmmmh, Kelly," moaned Stella. She rode him fast again before Kelly took over and pulled out. He flipped her over and started to finger and eat her pussy. "I'm going to Cum," told Stella. Kelly spit on his dick and put it back in and started to go extremely fast. " mmmh, ahhh, oh my goodness," moaned Stella as she cummed. Kelly ate her pussy. They kissed and got dressed and went to sleep. Before falling asleep Kelly whispered, "I love you." "I love you," told Stella.

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