Part 6: Olivia Layne Severide

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July 24, one week after Stella's due date, very hot in Chicago. Kelly had shift today he was up at 7 to get ready and left their place at 7:40 and be at work before 8. Stella woke up and went in Zane's room to cheek on him, Zane was sitting on the floor in his paw patrol pajamas playing with his firetruck. "Good morning, momma's sweet boy," Stella told him. He smiled and ran to her and she bent down and put her arms out to greet him, " Good morning, Momma Stella." said Zane. Stella laughed " You are such a good boy, you stayed in your room till Momma Stella came and got you." They have been working on that for weeks now.
Stella took Zane down Stairs and made him pancakes. Stella was having small Contractions, but the doctor said not to come in till they were less than 5 minutes apart or her water breaks. Stella has been taking it easy and getting lots of rest.
Stella was sitting on the couch watching Zane play on the floor when she thought she peed herself, but no her water broke. Stella stood to get her phone and had a contraction. She sat back down on the couch " Zane bud, momma Stella needs your help okay?" Zane walked over to her and nodded "Otay." Stella nodded " Can you get momma Stella's  phone from the table?" Zane nodded he went to get her phone and brought it to her "Here Momma Stella." Zane said with a smile. She took the phone " Thank you, bud." Zane went back to playing. Stella called Kelly,
K: Babe, is everything Okay
S: Come now, My water broke and the contractions are getting closer
K: Okay, I'm on my way with Brett and Foster, Don't you worry Everything will be fine I love you
S: Please hurry, I love you too.
Kelly ended the call.
After about five minutes Kelly came running threw the front door, Stella yelled: "Babe, She is not going to make it to the hospital, this baby is coming now." Matt and Cheif walked threw the door as soon as she said that, Brett and Foster was right behind them.
Kelly nodded " Okay, Brett and Foster know what they are doing." Kelly walked over to Zane " How about you and uncle Matt go play in your room, okay?" Zane started to cry " Momma Stella, Otay?" Kelly nodded " Momma Stella, Is okay." Matt took him to his room and was playing with him.
Kelly went to Stella and smiled " We are going to have our baby in our living room, Okay?" Stella smiled " Yeah, Okay."
Brett gave Stella the Okay to push. After three pushes Baby girl's head was out. Brett smiled "Her head is out. Only a few more pushes and Baby girl will be here." Kelly kissed Stella's head and smiled " You're doing great, babe." Stella smiled "Kelly, Shut up." Kelly nodded. Everyone laughed. Brett told Stella to push one more time and her baby would be here. Stella gave her one last big push and As soon as you knew it there was a sweet baby cry. Kelly smiled " Babe, You did it." Stella gave out a little laugh "No, we did it." she looked up at him and gave him a kiss. Foster handed Stella there baby. Stella smiled " She's Beautiful." Stella kissed her on the head then handed her to Kelly, who happened to have a few tears in his eyes. He smiled "Everyone meet Olivia Layne Severide." Brett smiled " We have to get you to Med, Kelly you can ride with us."
At Med
Matt brought Zane with them in the fire truck. Matt brought him to the room they were in. Stella smiled " Hi momma Stella's sweet baby boy." Zane smiled " Hi, Momma Stella. Is baby sissy here?" Stella and Kelly both nodded and Stella said " She is. Do you want to meet her?" He nodded " Oh, Yes." Stella moved over in the bed a little and Zane crawled up in the bed next to Stella and Olivia, Kelly was sitting in the chair next to the bed. Zane smiled " Hi, Baby sissy. I'm your big bubba, Zane." Stella smiled " Awe, your so cute."
Later that day
Matt took to his place he said that he would watch him till they got to go home. Kelly has been secretly talking to the nurses. He waled in the room with Olivia in his arms, before he handed her to Stella he smiled " Open the blanket, when I hand you the baby." Stella nodded " Okay." She opened the blanket and read the onesie " Mommy, will you marry my daddy?" There was a ring taped to the onesie. Kelly took off the ring and handed Olivia to Stella. He smiled " Stella Kidd I love you so much, you're the momma to my kids, you may not be Zane's biological mom but you have been a better mom then anyone could ever ask for and one day I would love for you to have the same last name as me and our kids, One day I want you to adopt Zane and make his your own, All that aside you make me so happy, and feel so loved. Will you make me the happiest man in the whole world and MARRY ME?" Stella had tears rolling down her cheeks. She laughed and smiled " Omg Kelly Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes , Yes a thousand times yes." Kelly had to stop for a minute " Did you say Yes or am I hearing things?" She laughed " Baby, I said YES I WILL MARRY YOU!!" Kelly Stood up and gave her a kiss. He took the ring and put it on her finger. Stella smiled " Two wonderful, amazing, things in one day, That's crazy." Kelly gave her a kiss and smiled " I love you so much." Stella smiled " I love you too, babe." Kelly and Stella kissed each one of Olivia's Cheeks at the same time. " She is just so damn perfect," Kelly told his fiance.
Later that night
Olivia was finally asleep. Stella knew she would sleep better if Kelly was in the same bed with her. Stella and Kelly were laying in the bed together and trying to go to sleep. Kelly was cuddling her. Her head was on his shoulder and he looked down at her and kissed her forehead. "It's not going anywhere, you can look at it all day tomorrow." Kelly joked about the ring that Stella couldn't take her eyes off. Stella laughed " I know, it's just perfect." Kelly joked " I guess three perfect things in the room." Stella laughed " What's the three things?" Kelly smiled " You, Olivia, and your ring." Stella smiled " Awe, Baby, I love you." Kelly kissed her and smiled " I love you too."
After about 20 minutes Stella fell asleep in Kelly's arms. Kelly finished the movie that he was watching and decided to get some sleep too.

Olivia Layne Severide
July 23
7 lbs 14 oz
19 ¼ inches

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