Airline trouble (Chapter 1)

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Raymond was clever, everyone knew that. Maybe he was good at fashion and rapping, yeah, but definitely not directions.

He should have known better than to trust his phone and just trust his instincts. For the black-eared feline had never traveled using an airport, he would usually drive around in his small car rather than take a plane. If anything he would rather sit through traffic. But this time it was different, he wanted a getaway, hence the reason he is on this trip, specifically the 'Deserted Island Getaway'.

Once he reached the destination, he immediately felt a rush of the anxiety he was hiding during the car ride. The soft wind against his fur didn't help either, it felt as though they were pushing him forward into the dark abyss of unpredictable madness. It was driving him insane. So he listened. Rather confident, he hopped out of his old car, the processes took a while though since the door was being 'stubborn'. Raymond looked around and observed each and every logo and number, looking for the one that resembles a Dodo, the mascot of the airline he was boarding.

Tom Nook, as he recalls his name to be, said to only bring yourself. What an odd request, Raymond thought to himself.

The first thing he saw when he walked in was a cub, not any old-fashioned bear, more of a plushie than a bear. With a large purple streak running down it's face, the unnamed cub spotted Raymond, and presumably thought he was a regular customer at Dodo Airlines because he asked him for directions to the 'Getaway Package''. Throughout the conversation Raymond was calm and collected, with a hint of bragging once or twice, but other than that, they ended up searching together.

''Uh, Excuse me?'' He asked the Blue and Yellow Dodo. Judging by his name tag, he could tell his name was Orville. Orville Was quick to respond to them and gave as much enthusiasm that could power a whole city for a week. Okay not that much but Raymond wasn't too keen on peppy people but they still got along well. ''So um, where do ya' wanna go?''.

Stitches, as he later found out his name was, and Raymond both blinked. ''The Getaway Package for both of us please,'' Stitches answered in place of Raymond who had already opened his mouth to speak.

''Roger!'' The Dodo lifted his feathers toward his forehead, saluting too them as if they were solders. He curled up most of his feathers and pointed to a sign above two tanukis, similar to Tom Nook, that read 'Deserted Island Getaway Package' and a leaf logo.

Stitches and Raymond both Sweat dropped at the site, but the bird continued, ''Go get your tickets and come back.'' they both nodded and Stitches skipped all the way there.

After doing paperwork and answering some questions they both received their tickets and looked for a place to wait. Stitches disappeared before Raymond could even say goodbye and that just left him by himself. Unknowingly to him, he sat in a occupied seat, the owner left to probably relive them self or buy snacks, whatever it was they came back and complained to him.

''This is my seat'' the elephant screeched, loud enough to get someone's attention, yet no one really cared. If some did, they probably would be terrified to stand up to the big creature. ''Ah! I'm sorry I didn't know. I apologize, crisp.'' Raymond didn't know how to react. He was honestly kind of scared and was starting to panic. Like an angle sent from Heaven or a prince to save the lost princess, a tiny squirrel arrived at the scene. Raymond didn't know what to think of it, he was too busy apologizing to the mad elephant to notice the squirrel. ''Alright old man that's enough,'' the squirrel said to the elephant.

''Just let the poor cat sit there, you snooze you lose.'' Raymond looked offended by how he was addressed, 'poor cat'. He didn't know whether to feel grateful the tan squirrel stepped in, or to take offense to his new nickname. Whichever it was, it didn't matter because the elephant stomped off with a 'tsk' and left. Then the feline realized exactly where he was, he was sitting right next to his savior so he could at least thank him.

''Hey, thanks for saving me back there. I'm Raymond nice to meet you.'' He gave the boy one of his signature smiles, the ones that made the girls flock over him with his closed eyes. ''I'm Marshal. Nice to meet you, i guess.'' 

'You guess, huh?' Raymond thought to himself, kind-of disappointed this was the person who saved him from the elephant. Putting that aside, he doesn't think he might go on another airplane for a while, or even ever. His new friend, Marshal, seemed to be going on the same tour as him so he wanted to start off with some small talk. But, as soon as he opened his mouth, he got interrupted by a loud intercom voice. ' 

"Flight 202 now boarding."

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A/N: 856 words aaaaaaaaaaaa

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