Chapter 11

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"Thirds, how many times-" I was getting frustrated but Thirdy cut me off

"Hear me out, Bei. Dont you think its fair? I've courted you for 2 years now" Thirdy just received his last and final rejection. He asked me to be his gf again. For about what? The 100th time?

"Thirds, you're my friend. And thats it." I clearly stated. Well I already told him a thousand times that a friend is the only thing I see him.

"I don't understand. Is it because of the rumors? Bei, im not playing with you." Well he is aware that he is known as the campus playboy.

"You can't force anyone to like someone. Will you please stop, Thirdy? Please" I begged. We were in a park having a picnic supposedly with Dani and Kiefer. But he lied just so I would come.
"Thirdy, there are more women out there. I can't reject you anymore. For my sanity, please just stop already?" I looked him in the eye. Trying to plead him. He sighed and looked down

"Right. I get it. I promise. I'll stop"  Thirdy finally gave up. He went me a smile and I retuned the smile back
"We..... are still friends right?" He clarified

"Ofcourse. We are" I confirmed. He then called Dani and Kiefer to join us. Apparently, they were behind the trees spying on us. Gosh these siblings.

Kianna POV
It was a sunday morning but I was too tired to get up yet. Im scrolling past my twitter feed, as always. It was all the same. Volleyball, ThirBea, JhoBea, JiBea and a little DyLeon. Honestly, how does Bea manage to stay single with all the ships people are getting her into?

"Ok. I guess ThirBea was real?" I asked myself as I scrolled down twitter seeing a picture of Bea and Thirdy at the park. Apparently its from today. My heart sunk a little.

"Get yourself together, Kianna. Its not like you fell again" I talked to myself. Trying to convince me that I am not sad or anything. Not even jealous.

"KIANNAAAAAAAAAAA" someone yelled loud as if it was deafening.

"What is it Kaila!" I yelled back. She was lucky she didnt wake me up

"Kuya Marck is here! He has food!" Kaila yelled. And on cue, I shot up and tried to make myself look presentable. And hurriedly went down stare.

"Surprise" Marck said while holding up a paper bag full of cookies and his mom's famous pancakes
"Mom just wanted to drop these off. I still need to drop some to Chu" Marck said. It was clear that he also was jus up from bed. Wearing sweatpants and a shirt.

"Thanks, Marck. Tell tita thanks you" I said right before he leaves. I turned back and saw Nika and Kaila glaring at me. Ok wth guys?

"We like ate Bei, better" Kaila stated. Wait what?

"Hoy. Marck is just a friend, idiots" I clarified and Kaila's left eyebrow shot up.

"And what about ate Bei huh?" Nika asked. Well, that made my heart stop. What is she nga ba?

"Hay nako, Nika. Ate Bei is her crush no!" Kaila exclaimed and my eyes widened. How-
"Dont even deny it, woman" Kaila joked making Nika laugh. Ugh! Siblings!

"Huy swishyyy" Den called me on the phone. It was around 3pm. Siguro wala na din sya magawa kaya ako naman trip nya HAHAHA

"Hey swishyyy whats up?" Bati ko. Wala na talaga ako magawa and im really bored

"Wala na talaga ako magawa sa dorm" Hey, Im not surprised. Siguro wala sina Ate Ly kaya wala na syang makulit

"Bakit? Walang tao dyan?" I asked. But I remembered na sobrang gala nga pala ng mga agila. Imagine someone even reached taft.

"Pft. Ly is sleeping. Bea went on a date with Thirdy ata idk. Jia and Jho are away and the rest of my teammates went to popeyes" Den ranted. But Bea? Went on a date with Thirdy? Right. I shouldn't be surprised

"Wait. Bea and Thirdy?" I clarified. I heard Den chuckle. Ano nanaman trip neto?

"Why? Are you concerned?" Den pushed on the topic further. Gosh Di ko na dapat tinanong!

"No. Just thought Bea would be with Jho" I said trying to avoid the topic. But I can feel Den's eye roll all the way from Katipunan

"Kianna Dy with her lies. Tsk." I heard Den teasing me. This woman is like Sherlock holmes din eh.
"Ay oo nga pala. National Team training starts this summer" dagdag pa nya. I was relieved that she changed the topic. Feeling ko nakahinga nako eh

"Training na ulit? Parang kelan lang nakita ko si ate Ly staring at you back in the training complex" I joked. I swear I can see Den's eye roll again

"Wow ha. You had time to notice that?" Den said pero halatang may halong kilig. Ate Ly and Den aren't even official kasi they never admitted their feelings. Pero yung closeness nila, halatang more than friends eh.

"Sus amin na kasi. You are whipped for ate Ly" I decided to tease her more
"Imagine, AlyDen of Katipunan" I added and I swear I heard a small squeal

"Did I just hear a squeal?" I laughed. This is very like Den. Getting kilig but then gets caught

"Psh. What about MarcKianna of AnimOBF" Den joked while putting together both of our schools chant

"MarcKianna?" I scoffed. Is she referring to Marck?

"What? Is it bad to ship you two together? Dinalhan ka pa nya ng food sa bahay. Typical mangliligaw move HAHA" she joked referring to my IG story. Gosh issue
"Or would you rather ship DyLeon?" She added. But something felt right. Like I would actually want that than MarcKianna

"None of the above, Dennise" I said. Den would always be irritated when someone calls her Dennise

"Only Ysa could call me Dennise" she said. See? They are really bagay! She was the only one to call Alyssa Valdez, Ysa. And ate Ly was the only one Den allows to call her Dennise.

"And im the avid shipper of AlyDen" I joked.

"How about we go to Uptown tomorrow?" Den tried changing the topic. If I could see her, she would have been a red tomato

"What for?" I asked.

"Bea's birthday would be next week! How about giving her a present diba?" Oh shit. I forgot. Stupid Kianna

"Oh right. Sure!" I agreed. Damn with a girl who has everything, ano pa ba ibibigay ko?
"Look Kianna oh! This is cute" Den exclaimed holding up a sweater from H&M. I looked at the right and saw someone familiar....

"Bea?" I whispered. Den noticed and looked and me. She followed my gaze and saw Thirdy and Bea together. Ouch?

"Now tell me na hindi ka selos" Den joked. Psh. Im really not!

"Uy di ah!" I denied and went back shopping. It was really fun with Den. But at the back of my mind, I knew I had this familiar feeling of losing a game.

"Oy. You're awfully quiet. Just admit that you're selos!" Den joked around. I really am not no!

"Quiet? Uy di ah. Madaldal ka lang talaga no!" I replied. We were about to leave na din.

"Sus. I know when you lie, Kianna. Just admit it!" Den isn't really giving up until she finds my answer noh?
"Sayang. Im an avid shipper of DyLeon pa naman" Den added making me roll my eyes

"AlyDen shipper naman ako." I joked. And Den fell silent. Ha! I know your weakness!
"Uy natahimik sya!" Dagdag ko pa ng biglang nagring phone ni Den

"Ha? Si Bea? Fuck where are you? Pupunta kami dyan!" Den exclaimed at bigla namang napatigil ako. Bea? Anong- napaano-

"What?? What happened??" Im worried sick!

"Thirdy called. Bea collapsed daw and he is taking her to the hospital. Dali! Lets go na! Im driving" pagmamadali ni Den. Jusko bei you are going to kill me sa kaba!

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