Chapter 29

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Months later
Its 4pm and we're on our way to the arena. We successfully made it to the finals of the U23 tournament in Thailand. It seriously took us months of gruesome training to come this far

"Heads up! Once we get there, its game mode" ate Ly said while we were on the bus.
"We've come so far from this. Today is our championship. Today we fight" Ate Ly said one of her pre-game speeches. She would always do this.

"Manonood si Nootsara!" Jia squealed while showing us her Idol's ig story.

"Congrats, best setter ka dapat ha!" Ate Aby cheered. The bus ride was full of the usual noise of chatter, laughs and asaran. While I sit there, playing music silently as usual.

"Manang" tawag ni Majoy.

"Does everyone really call me that?" I muttered to myself.
"What?" I answered Joy.

"Tingin ka nga sa window mo" she said. I didn't realize that we were already at the arena. I looked down and saw some fans with big cardboard signs


I laughed and waved at them. Hanggang dito talaga may fans? Fans are really creative and funny. I looked infront and saw Kianna glaring at me.

"What did I do?" I asked her. Natawa naman sina Tyang and Joy sa likod.

"im single, bdl" Kianna mimicked the sign that the fan was holding. Natawa naman ako.

"Sorry, im taken" I teased her and she just rolled her eyes.
"By this beautiful woman that means the world to me. You actually look like her" I continued teasing her.

"Ano bayan landi dito, landi doon. Joy uwi na tayo ng Pinas!" Ate Aby said while referring to us and AlyDen. They're always clingy with each other eh.

"Dadamay moko? Nandito si Timo!" Joy said. I chuckled at their antics.

One last point. One last set. One last game and we will win this. We're at our 4th set against Thailand. They got the 1st set but we made a comeback. Jia set the ball. The other side received it, set it, spiked it. I jumped up and made the ball lose its speed. I turned around and saw no one on zone 6 where the ball was supposed to land.

"Good!" At Den yelled as soon as she pancaked the ball. God, Ate Den. You're our guardian.

"Kalei 6!" Jia yelled as she managed to pick up the ball from Den's pancake. Kalei jumped along with the blockers of the other court. But of course, its one of our combo plays. Ate Ly, who was standing on zone 6 rose up and perfectly smashed the ball to the other court. We waited for the ball to drop but they have one hell of a libero. She managed to get it up high but it was a free ball.

"Dy!" Jia yelled setting the ball to Kianna. The ball came storming to the other side but it was received again by their libero. Damn, she's good.

"Mine!" Ate Ly yelled while receiving the ball. The ball went to Jia and before I could blink, she already managed to drop the ball to the other side. Its a drop ball!

"Jiaaaaaa!" Kalei hyped up and lifted Jia from the ground. We did it. We won our championship! For the first time in a decade, we were champions again!

"Congrats!" Coach Ramil ran to us and we group hugged. Ate Ly was on the ground celebrating since this will be her final year in this tournament. While ate Den was running towards ate Ly, celebrating. It was all so surreal.

"We did it, baby!" Kianna called and jumped on me. I caught her and lifter her up.

"For once, we're lovers on court" I said while chuckling. I put her down, smiling.

"HALIMAW!" We turned to see Majoy being carried by the rest of the team. She had 17 points from blocking and had a total of 26 blocks. she basically owned the game! I wouldn't be surprised if she gets named the best blocker!

We laughed at the sight. Eya and Dawn where tossing confetti around while Tyang, Kim, Ate Ly and Kalei were basically shouting at Majoy for her amazing performance. Like hell, that girl can block!

"You had a great game" Kianna said and kissed my cheeks

"T-That was n-nothing" I stuttered while blushing. Damn we're together for a year and I still have this shy-giddiness thing!

"Cute mo" Kianna chuckled. She likes it when I get caught off guard! Ugh!

"Cheers to the championship!"ate Ly said while be cheered. We're here at the pavilion to celebrate our victory today.

"Cheers to our best setter and blocker!" Ate Ly yelled again, Jia got best setter and Joy got best blocker!

"Cheers to miss finals mvp!" I said and everyone cheered. Kalei won the finals mvp after garnering 47 points in the finals.

"Cheers to wala sanang uuwing lasing!" Ate Aby joked causing everyone to laugh. We were all having a good time. The others were playing beer pong and the grownups are having their own conversation. And when I mean the grownups, I mean the mature manang ones. Im not in that conversation because I have my childish girlfriend to look after.

"I win!" Kianna cheered after beating Kalei at beer pong. And from knowing them, they wont stop until they're puking and on the ground already

"Another game!" Kianna said asking for one more.

God, Kianna and Kalei is not the best duo for beer pong. Both of them are competitive! Just like right now. Both of them played for more than a hundred rounds! Kianna already seemed tipsy

"Baby, hinay hinay lang, can you?" I said while trying to stop Kianna from playing because she's already tipsy to even aim correctly

"Shoot that shit!" Kalei said, obviously may tama na din. Hay nako they're lucky Im here.

"Woooh!" Kianna celebrated when she won another round. I shook my head and stayed there, watching them.

"Babysitter ka na ha" it was Kim.

"Your teammates might go as far as their bodies can" I said shaking my head and we both laughed.

"Welp, di ko na yon problema" Kim joked while drinking a beer aswell

"Please dont tell me you're drunk" I said causing Kim to laugh

"Drunk from beer? Di ako ganon kahina!" She said. Mukha nga.

"What am I missing?" Majoy jumped in. She seems sane naman.

"You're not drunk, are you?" I asked her

"Di naman ako nagiinom" she answered while watching Kianna and Kalei

"Fuck yeah!" Kalei shouted when Kianna loss another round

"Tell your bestfriend to stop if she wants to walk after this" I said. Napailing nalang si Joy

"You know that she wont listen to anyone" she said while chuckling. Well, thats true.
"She'll listen to you, though" she added.

"Well thats true for 50% of the time"I answered.

"You can live with that?" Majoy joked.

"Well I am marrying her" I answered without even thinking. Wait what?

"What?" Majoy asked

"What?" I asked too.

"Ikaw ha! Kasal agad" Joy teased me. Oh God, Bea you're thinking waaay too ahead

"I'll wait pa naman" I chuckled trying to hide my blush.
"Oh shit" I muttered when I looked over to the beer pong table to see that they already finished ten cases of beer

"Go help your girl" Majoy laughed while seeing her bestfriend drunk and still trying to shoot the ball

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