Chapter 22

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1 year later

"Ate Bei!!!" It was only before the crack of dawn when Keanne decided to wake me up.

"What is it, captain Keanne?" I murmured as I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Uhhh its December 10? Diba you have training camp?" Keanne said. SHIT! Training camp??? Its today?????

I shot up and glanced at the time. It was 5:30am and I have to leave before 6am for the U23 training camp. Its a 12-day training camp for the national team. I tried to get ready as fast as I could. I took a shower, dressed up, and ran downstairs to grab something to eat before I leave.

"I knew you would wake up late. Here. Your ready to go sandwich" Mom said as I rushed to the kitchen.

"Thanks mom! Just call me if there are complications sa business" I said grabbing the sandwich and loaded my luggage sa car. The training would be in Batangas and thats a bit far from here.
"Gotta go na mom! Love you! Bye!" I bid goodbye as I hopped on my car.

Alot has changed over a year. We won the championship this year, I had a successful baking business going on, and we are getting ready for this international league for U23.

I sighed. Alot has changed. Pero one thing never moved on. Kianna. Its still her. I would lowkey check up on her. Having a connection with her siblings is a great help! She's back on the court, she's doing well, she had a boyfriend. Si marck, they broke up a month ago, and now Im gonna meet her sa training camp. Greaaaat just greaaaaaat.

I was driving for 30mins now and it was getting kinda boring. So I turned on the radio just to see what they were playing

I see your face in my mind as I drive away,
'Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way
People are people,
And sometimes we change our minds
But it's killing me to see you go after all this time

"Bea, I know you and Kianna never had a proper closure, but I'll ask her tonight to be my girlfriend. I just wanted to talk to you out of respect" Marck approached me 5 months after Kianna's incident. I had no choice. I thought I had to let her go.

Music starts playin' like the end of a sad movie,
It's the kinda ending you don't really wanna see
'Cause it's tragedy and it'll only bring you down,
Now I don't know what to be without you around

I drove all the way to Tagaytay just to be alone. I never knew it would hurt like this. Seeing the person you loved the most, with somebody else.

I yelled my pain here up the mountain. Its 11pm and my phone was buzzing. I had no control of the situation. And all I can do is watch her be with him.

"I love you so much. I wish you'd never forget" I muttered as the breeze brush against my skin. I was up here where we have our vacation house. Where I would always go to when things are rough.
-end of flashback-

I gripped tightly on the steering wheel. Remembering the pain I had put up with, I guess it's inevitable.

"Ugh fuck you, Taylor" I muttered. Whats with these Taylor Swift songs??? Its like it always tries to remind me of Kianna!

I arrived at Batangas and it was already 8am. I guess ate Ly is already here? I saw her red car sa parking.

"Ate Ly!!" I called out as soon as I stepped inside the gym where we would be training.

"Goodmorning!" She said and hugged me.
"I just checked the room assignments...." Ate Ly slowly said. I looked at her confused.
"Kianna is your roommate" ate Ly finished. I stepped back a little. WHAT? ANONG ROOMMATE??

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