Highway in the Sky

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Several more weeks go by. Shadow and Infinite often race along the Highway in the Sky. The galaxy surrounds them, with nothing but robots to create the illusion of an inhabited base.

Closeness to the cosmos ignites in Infinite, the slow but steadily developing ability to Chaos Control. He's not good at it. His timing is usually off and he finds himself flat on his face after every teleport. Shadow's signature move isn't Infinite's best speed tactic. He definitely looses most of their races but doesn't mind it. They're more for bonding between the two edge-masters.

One day, Shadow catches Infinite before the jackal face dives onto the asphalt. He's witnessed Infinite scrape his cheeks too many times.

"You're not good at Chaos Control," Shadow tells him when Infinite crashes into his arms.

"Yeah thanks, that's encouraging," Infinite bounces back sarcastically.

"I'd rather you didn't scar your face. I don't know if that's a birth stripe across your left eyelid but it's the only marking I want drawn on your profile. There's no reason you need to know how to Chaos Control, especially when you can fly."

Infinite looks up, into Shadow's red irises. Months ago, he would have found them terrifying. Now they're comforting and protective. The two stare at each other for a bit, not speaking, before Shadow stands Infinite up and admires the stars. As Infinite ponders whether or not to repurpose his mask as a helmet to protect himself from another stupid fall, Shadow makes a comment about Infinite's appearance.

"Your eyes are... pretty," he mumbles, knowing it's a derpy thing to say.

"Yeah well in spite of my klutziness, I swear they both work," Infinite jokes dryly.

Shadow looks away, wanting to hide a welling of embarrassing emotions. Infinite pretends to stare purposefully at the vastness of the ARK's exterior.

"So... Shadow."

"What?" Shadow replies, hoping Infinite can start a conversation that distracts his desire to suddenly want to sniff the jackal's long, white hair. Too bad Infinite doesn't actually have anything to say.

"Damn," Infinite musters, folding his arms.

"Damn is right," Shadow responds, trying not to make eye contact. He recalls a memory, a heart to heart with Doctor Gerald Robotnik.

"And that, Shadow, is what it feels like when a human falls in love," he relives the mad scientist saying. "Don't tell Maria I told you any of this. This will be our private, man-to-man talk. Course, you're not a man, per se. Oh what the hell! Here's the truth of the matter. Shadow, we humans, we get lonely sometimes and so we get horny. You won't ever get that way. We isolated specific properties in your DNA to avoid such things. Wouldn't do anybody any good to have the Ultimate Life Form overwhelmed by feelings which are only needed for mating purposes. You'll outlive us all. There's no need for you to procreate."

After considering how freak-nasty the doctor may have been, Shadow shakes his head to subdue the memory of this awkward life-lesson. He concludes that, while he may not enjoy procreating, he does certainly have the desire to, shall we say, love on Infinite? Maybe a sniff or a nuzzle. A hug would be nice.

"Must... not... give in," Shadow commands himself, as he balls his fists.

"Um... you alright, Shadow?" Infinite asks.

Shadow gives in and blurts like a belligerent anime-teenager...

"And your hair is pretty too and I wanna sniff it!"

Infinite grins, flattered, pausing to let those words sink in. This makes Shadow nervous because Infinite's smile is also really freakin' pretty. Anticipating a verbal response is nearly unbearable for poor Shadow.

"Too funny!" Infinite titters. "Maybe later I guess."

Shadow beams.

"Really? Oh my Chaos! What a tease!"

"Oh?" Shadow replies brightly, pleased that Infinite didn't round house him in the face for talking like the kinky old doctor.

"Maybe later? She smiled. I think she liked what I said. 'll take later over never. Perhaps if I behave. Maria always told me if I was good, she'd play with me. Then she played with me either way. And by play I mean, innocent play. Ugh, damn you, doctor! I love you but seriously, what a weirdo. No, but perhaps if I'm good... a hair sniff would be a delightful reward for behaving in a way that Maria would approve of..."

"Can you handle that, hedgehog?" Infinite asks, with an unusual kindness in his tone. "I said no today but maybe another day. Maybe later, Shadow."

"Later is good. I can wait," Shadow assures his friend.

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