Affair in the Cosmos

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That night, Shadow and Infinite lie on their backs in the Control Room, observing a totally altered view of the galaxy. It's like living on a planet that's been turned upside down. Though the new scenery is alluring, it's a huge adjustment, like an earthling relocating to another hemisphere.

Infinite is about to snooze off, seeing as how it's been a long, gut-wrenching day, but Shadow is far from tired. Restlessly, he sits up, wondering if falling asleep on the floor is doable with this kind of anxiety.

"Going to bed?" Infinite asks with a yawn. "I just realized I'm still wearing my mask. Huh?"

The words have barely left his mouth when Shadow begins to gingerly remove Infinite's mask.

"Thanks, Master," Infinite says with a stretch.

"You kept the mask on but you undressed the armor," Shadow notes with displeasure.

"Sorry, I didn't wanna sleep in it, but I hear ya. I need to keep it on, I know."

"No, you need to learn how to summon your weaponry. With all this psychokinetic power oozing through the ARK, you should be able to now. I'll teach you how in the morning."

"Sounds good," Infinite replies, curling into a ball with his tail curved around his legs. Shadow sits with his knees up, holding himself. Infinite can feel something tugging at him. It's not a physical tug, but it's strong. He stares at Shadow as Shadow stares at the stars.

"Infinite?" Shadow asks.

"Hmm?" Infinite replies.

"I don't want to be immortal anymore," Shadow confesses. "I want to have the ability to die like Silver, like Maria... like you."

"I'm Infinite, I'll never die," Infinite jokes.

Shadow doesn't find this funny and holds himself tighter.

"Yes you will. Trust me, everybody dies. I thought I could protect the Earth by starting a genealogy, centuries ago... but it's gone. I outlived it."

"We'll eradicate Black Doom for what he did, Shadow," promises Infinite. "It'll be a grand spectacle. We'll bust out those booze in the dining hall over it. Share a drink and cackle madly at the sky. It'll be sublime!"

Shadow sighs, unsatisfied. Infinite sits up and giggles.

"What do you want, Master? You wanna do that thing you wanted to do?"

"What thing?"

"Forgot, huh? Remember a while back, you tried to kiss me. You wanna make out?"

Shadow half smiles as Infinite sits up and scoots arm to arm with him.

"Heh, I didn't forget about that. What I'd like, is to equalize all this Chaos Energy with you. Make you live a little longer than you should. Then we can both die at the same time."

Infinite beams.

"Awe. That's... that's a tender thing to say. If there's a way then I will do that for you, Master."

"That would make me happy," Shadow admits.

"Then we'll find a way to make it so," Infinite romances.

"Make out with me," Shadow spills.

"As you wish," Infinite obliges with a broad grin.

He turns over and pushes Shadow down on his back.

"Whoa," Shadow reacts, stupefied by the jackal's initiative to dive right in. Compared to the last time the two almost kissed, this is a real shift in enthusiasm. For a moment, they awkwardly smooch each other, with Shadow evidently not knowing what the hell he's doing. He rolls on top of Infinite, hoping his facial expression will give way to his need for some guidance.

"Yeah so, you're bad at this," Infinite banters. "Though, to be fair, this is my first consensual time with another guy."

"Hmph, that clears that up then."

"Clears what up?"

"Why you wish not to be female."

"You thought I was a girl this whole time?!"

"Yes. No. Well, sometimes. I don't know. I'm sorry," Shadow frowns.

Infinite just laughs.

"It's okay, Shadow. But come on, my voice is deeper than yours and I don't look like a girl, do I? Don't answer that! I'm a guy. Still wanna kiss me? We're already really gay at this point. Mine as well go all the way, am I right?"

He gives Shadow a look of bashful adoration and willing obedience, adding...

"Look Shadow, thanks again for saving me. I wouldn't call you master if you weren't my hero, ya know. That's all I really mean by it... that I love you."

Shadow's eyes soften as he begins to feel all warm and derpy inside. His mind bubbles with all sorts of euphoric thoughts. He doesn't realize it, but he has the most gushy smile on his face right now.

"I know and you're welcome. Any version of me that would ever attack you is truly nothing more than a fake and deserves to die. Oh and I do want to kiss you, very much, yes, but you need to teach me how to do this correctly because I'm the only one. I'm the only one who gets to have you."

"Understood," Infinite nods. "Now put some elbow grease into it. Make it like you mean it, Shadow."

"I don't know what you're asking me."

"Pull my hair or something."

"But it's so beautiful. I never ever want to harm you."

"No, it'll be a good ouch."

"A what?"

"Spank me! Get up and I'll shove you into the wall."

"You'd need the armor if I was going to shove you," Shadow daftly considers.

"Ooo feisty!" Infinite teases, maneuvering out from under Shadow and scrambling off.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Shadow reaches out. "Don't go!"

"Chase me like you want me, man!" Infinite yells back and darts away, jokingly adding, "Spank my ass and call me baby, Shadow the Hedgehog!"

He cackles as he runs off. Shadow cracks up.

"Damn puppy."

He gets up and races after the jackal. The two then spend a good portion of the night chasing and tackling each other. As their rowdiness escalates, Shadow's anxiety alleviates. Eventually they gather in Infinite's favorite, warm spot near the boiler room. The heat reminds them of the cremation that AI Rouge performed on Silver's body only a few hours earlier.

Oddly, horniness is a nice remedy for their grief, especially grief over a fellow soldier... and Shadow's great, great grandson at that. The ebony hedgehog remembers the time he made love to Amy Rose and realizes that, while he may have defied his creators for breeding with a girl during a past visit to planet, Earth... the professor was in fact, right about him not being programed to enjoy procreation. Shadow does however, greatly enjoy this.

As for Infinite, what a knee slapper! First he meets a Shadow that ruins his life, then he meets a Shadow that saves his life.

"Umph!" he grunts as Shadow pins his back against the toasty, steel wall. "This is fun! I don't even care that I'm having an existential crisis over the fact that we don't wear pants!"

"Don't think about it," Shadow replies as he props Infinite up. "I can make this work, I'm the Ultimate Life Form."

Infinite's already stopped thinking about it and can't stop laughing.

"Haha! Very well then! I completely trust you. Do me, Shadow! Yeah, face to face! Wow, I never thought I'd see the day!"

"Mmm, I love your face, you're my Beautiful Beta. Now shut the hell up."

He runs his hand along the base of Infinite's scalp and grips his hair, practically inhaling it, causing the jackal to roar with amusement.

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