Black Doom's Vengeance

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Shadow gets a good look at Infinite's face. The color is gone from the jackal's irises, making his pigment-less eyes appear clear, like glass. Infinite raises his head directly upward, wanting to show Shadow that even though he cannot see him, he is still addressing his commander.

"Master! It's alright, I know you! I'd recognize you even if there were a hundred other Shadow's in the room."

"Is that so? Interesting and irrelevant," Black Doom laughs. "Tell me, inferior mortal, how do you find a shadow in pure darkness?"

"Shadow," Infinite insists. "I memorized you! I know your sent and your voice."

"He is no different that any other Shadow in both those regards," Black Doom taunts. "Do you think this version of Shadow is special? Stupid dog. Need I remind you that it was Shadow who drove you into villainy? You're worthless. To me and to him."

Shadow slams himself against the invisible cage. He wants desperately to break free from what feels like chains holding him down. He wants to race to his friend and protect him from Black Doom.

"Shadow," Infinite continues, trying to hide the fearful shaking in his voice. "I know the way the wind changes when you're angry and the way the room warms when your happy. I know how everything slows down when you're sad. I even know the tempo of your heartbeat and the rhythm of your breathing. I know you, Master! I don't need to be able to see you!"

Black Doom laughs condescendingly, amused at how desperate the jackal sounds.

"If you could only see how pathetic you look. All that effort just so Shadow will respect you, maybe even love you. He doesn't."

"Get away from her, Black Doom!" Shadow hollers, continuously ramming into the transparent shield.

"I've heard enough!" Black Doom growls as Shadow's Homing Attack persists. "You two were meant to be short-encounter enemies. A mere sentence-worth in the grand scheme of every Shadow that still exists."

"Only one Shadow matters to me," Infinite counters, turning to face Black Doom in the eye, even though all Infinite sees is blackness. "And you don't know anything about him! GRAH!"

He tries to slash the alien with his claws but misses and falls again.

"Weakling, your efforts are meaningless... but don't worry, Shadow will forget all about you after one sunrise. Now die, you perforated piece of garbage!"

Black Doom clutches his fist and uses his telepathic powers to lift Infinite a few feet off the floor.

"No!" Shadow yells as dark energy fills the space, such that, the entire room goes black.

"Infinite!" Shadow cries, after hearing a heartbreaking thud, the sound of someone's body crashing violently against the dense wall of the Control Room, then landing like a broken doll. A terrible quiet consumes the room as Shadow finds himself inches from Black Dooms scowling glare, with nothing but the plasma to separate their faces.

"You destroyed my army, Shadow. For what reason? Because you wish to deny who you are and live in this forgotten city in the sky? There is nothing unique about you, but you are the most sentimental of all my Shadows. The others wish to protect their planets, their identities, but you... you wish to keep this colossal, pseudo heaven all to yourself. Tell me, am I correct?"

Shadow punches the plasma once more!

"What did you do to her, Black Doom?!"

Black Doom backs up, floating like a devilish phantom, the darkness swirling around him like toxic smoke. Doom's Eye's Chaos Controls beside him. They both seem to be mocking Shadow's concern for his friend, smirking even, in spite not having mouths.

"I see. Well then, it won't be long before I catapult another comet towards the ARK. Every fifty years, I do this. You know that, Shadow. And every time I do, you always have a different round of friends meddling in my plans. This time, you found one that you put your hands all over, one you touched the way those humans touch each other. I'm sure this one was your favorite, probably for being a beast that you tamed with all your childish ideals. Deep down, you know in that sentimental heart of yours, that one day, I'll find you here alone."

Shadow growls, "When I get out of here, I'm going to..."

"Did it pain you to hear her DIE, Shadow? The Shadow from his dimension would have relished it. I bet you wish I would kill you too. Remember, my job is to punish you, like I do to all of my children."


Black Doom and Doom's Eye disappear. The darkness subsides, revealing the jackal lifelessly curled in fetal position a few meters away. Outraged, Shadow cries out as he punches the barrier once more. The plasma blockade keeping him at bay finally shatters like feeble glass.

Freed, Shadow dashes to Infinite.

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