Braid Your Hair

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After four days of preparation, Infinite stands before a reflective steel wall with an industrial razor in his hand. The machine has several settings and he's decided to go for the sharpest one. He switches it on and is about to shave his locks when Shadow zooms into the space.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he cries, snatching the razor from Infinite's hand.

"Shaving it off. I can't wear the mask now that you converted it into a helmet. The hair has to g-"

"No!" Shadow begs. "No don't! I'll braid it for you, we'll tuck it into the helmet. Please no."

Infinite chuckles.

"Well alright, but I was perfectly willing to shave it o-"

"Stop, don't even say it," Shadow interrupts as he shuts the razor off. Then he zooms to the far side of the room and sets it aside so Infinite can't reach it.

"Sit down in front of the wisps," Shadow commands.

Infinite shrugs and finds a spot in front of the glorious view outside. Shadow sits behind him and begins preciously braiding his friend's hair. Infinite glows with delight.

"Ya know Shadow, if someone told me we'd become friends, I would have said... maybe in another universe. Hilarious that it actually happened, don't you agree?"

"Nothing funny about it but after what that faker did to you, I can understand how you'd find it ironic at least."

"Whether he was a fake or not, the point is that, you seem to have a lot of control over my life, hedgehog. You're either my sworn enemy or my best friend. That doesn't make you laugh even a little bit?"

As Shadow continues to style Infinite's hair, he experiences a flash back of braiding Maria's hair. Then he sees a memory of Sonic and Tails and recollects how secretly envious he was of Sonic for having such a loyal fox friend. The braiding becomes petting, then hugging from behind.

Shadow doesn't want anything bad to happen to Infinite and maybe that's not something Infinite can understand, given his past with such a harsh version of Shadow. But ARK Shadow loves the jackal and worries about losing him.

"Are you alright?" Infinite asks as the Ultimate Life Form clings onto him.

"No," Shadow simply says, with no intention of saying anything else.

"What's wrong, Shadow?" Infinite pries, though rather gently.

"It's not a joke."

"I know I know, I didn't mean it that way."

"I know you didn't."

"You have to understand, the Shadow I met killed my pack and took everything from me. Eggman made me Infinite with his experiments then betrayed me. Then I met you and you took all the pain that they caused and replaced it with, well, whatever it is you're doing right now."

"Stop talking," Shadow begs, fighting the urge to constantly be so sentimental.

"Don't cry," Infinite tells him. "You've grown attached to a pretty ruthless criminal. If I get killed within the next 72 hours, you're the only one in this universe and mine, who will care."

"I said stop," Shadow pleas, upset by Infinite's words.

"Where did you learn to braid hair?" Infinite wonders.

"Maria taught me so I could braid hers," Shadow replies, still clutching onto the jackal.

"Are you gonna finish?" Infinite asks.

"A part of me doesn't want to, but yes."

"Well you can't leave it half-ass done, Master."

Shadow smiles slightly then sits back down and resumes where he left off.

"You know I thought you were a female the first time I saw you," Shadow tells Infinite. "It's okay if you are, Infinite."

"Yeah yeah," Infinite groans.

"You can't leave me. I need you to help me improve my kissing skills," Shadow flirts like a serious derp-hog.

Infinite face palms, embarrassed.

"That was so lame, man," he laughs. So does Shadow.

"It's true, Jackal."

"You kiss fine. Ha! That other Shadow, I'm sure would be pitching a real fit if he ever knew about all of this. He truly hates my guts, thinks I'm weak, pathetic, worthless. I forgive him because of you but if he knew we were..."

"Pitching a fit or pitching a tent?" Shadow jokes.

Infinite bursts into laughter.

"Good one, Master! Haha! Ya know, I'd do anything for you."

"No dying," Shadow commands. "I'm the Ultimate Life Form, I don't need Maria or you to die for me. Understand?"

Infinite is quiet, biting his lip so as not to argue.

"I said, do you understand, Infinite?"

Sigh, "Yes, Shadow, I understand."

"And you obey. I'm the commander, not you."

Infinite pouts, not over his status below Shadow, but at the idea of falling back during battle in order to avoid being killed. What if a self sacrifice is necessary for the sake of the ARK? Or for Shadow's sake?

"If Silver shows up like he said he would..."

"Silver is dead. That was a dream that you had. You'll follow my orders no matter what, right? Look at me."

Infinite turns around and looks Shadow in the eye.

"Yes, I will be obedient, Shadow."

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