Amor for Zero

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Another sunrise on the ARK.

Shadow tinkers with a complex headboard, adjusting a sophisticated design he's displayed onto a 20x20ft computer screen. The project, a plasma armor suit with a finish made to match Infinite's sword and mask, the only two items Infinite brought with him from another dimension. This custom attire should fit the jackal perfectly and even has the ability to cloak and become invisible.

As Shadow rotates a 3d image of the final product, the software's artificial intelligence converses with him. The AI is familiar, feminine, a copy resembling that of Rouge the Bat. A digital version of her pops onto the screen and speaks like an old friend.

"Full pre-render complete. A custom-made, plasma armor suit, presented to you by your's truly. Like whatcha see, sugar?" AI Rouge asks, presenting the slick, transparent body suit by motioning her hands proudly.

"Affirmative, begin the 3d printing," Shadow instructs.

"Sure thing, hun. 3d printing initiating," AI Rouge replies, giving Shadow a sexy wink.

A nearby machine begins to churn and mechanize. The industrial noises are a bit unsettling but AI Rouge's flirty intonation makes the process more personable. She continues to talk to Shadow as though a real version of her is present in the room with him.

"The physical suit itself will take 720 hours to print, Shadow. After that, sensory systems will need to be installed. Of course, she'll have to wear the suit at least one time for me to do that."

"An artificial nervous system, the suit can harness Chaos Energy for protection purposes then?" Shadow asks.

"Just like how you wanted, handsome. Theoretically, after Infinite puts on the suit, I'll be able to map her actual nervous system to correspond with the suit's physiological enhancing capabilities."

Shadow is glad to hear these words.

"So it'll make her stronger then?"

"Bingo, love. Combine that when that model you started to enhance that mask of hers, and she'll be nearly invincible. Shall I alert you when the whole thing's fully printed? I'm sure ya don't wanna sit here for a whole month," AI Rouge acknowledges, placing one hand on her curvy hips and primping her slick, white hair with the other.

"Not really. Send me a notification when it's done, Rouge."

"You got it, Shadow the Hedgehog," Rouge insures with a pleased grin. She then flaps her wings, lifts herself into the air of digital space, and flies off into a POOF, as if she's disappeared back into the hard drive. A countdown box then takes her place on the screen, starting at 720 hours.

Back with Infinite, he hasn't seen Shadow in a few days. Being alone has been alright. Exploring is kind of fun but he's not one to do well by himself for too long, no matter how much he's tried to come off as a loner. Though the two have wrist communicators, Shadow's not answered any of Infinite's signals.

Depressed, Infinite retreats to the unused dining hall, where he's the only one accessing the unending amount of rations meant to feed a colony of space dwellers. As he rummages through cans and dehydrated vegetable servings, he stumbles upon a deep freezer and wonders if maybe there's some meat in there. Unfortunately, the freezer is locked. He's about to settle for a dehydrated pack of beans when Shadow Chaos Controls in front of him.

"It requires a code," he says.

"Oh hey, Shadow, long time no see," Infinite replies, unable to hide that he feels like a German Shepherd greeting his master after the guy's been at work all day. "I missed you," he even admits, wagging his lush tail.

Shadow half smiles. His demeanor resets to be much more relaxed. He inputs the code for Infinite, opening the freezer. Indeed, there's meat inside.

"Thanks!" Infinite beams. "So, how do we unfreeze it? I know I should know how but I don't."

"You didn't learn how to prepare frozen meat from being on that Jackal Squad? Were you not a part of the military?"

"Oh no no. We were mercenaries, our skills were varied."

Shadow retrieves what looks like some sort of poultry and transports it to an empty refrigerator.

"Do you know how to cook?" Shadow asks.

"Yes, that I can do. Too bad we can't make campfires on the ARK," the jackal laughs. "It's one of my favorite past times."

"Hmm," Shadow replies. "Well, am sorry for not answering your messages. I've been nearby observing your ability to function on the ARK by yourself. You've been self sufficient up until now. The doctor always said cooked food is a luxury so I won't count it against you."

Infinite chuckles and folds his arms.

"You've been grading me, huh? So, am I better than the puny piece of trash that wisp made me out to be?"

"You're not puny and you're not a piece of trash. And I don't care if you were a villain at some point. You're an inhabitant of the ARK now. That's all that matters. How hungry are you? This won't be ready for hours."

Infinite's stomach grumbles.

"Hungry, but I'll settle for the beans."

Shadow stares at the bags of beans lined up along the shelves on the walls, flashing back to a time when the ARK was hopping with scientists and researchers. Back then, the dining hall was booming and humans feasted together. He and Maria used to sneak into the kitchen and steal cookies and horderves. Shadow begins to miss those humans. Not all of them were bad, just the ones from Earth. ARK humans were good. He wishes things could be the way they were but that was a long time ago.

"I'll make you something to eat," he finally says.

"That'd be nice. I was missing your cooking," Infinite replies as he props himself up on one of the counters.

"The hedgehog seems to have an array of knowledge. I guess food preparation is no exception. This'll be the first time I'll get to see one of my meals actually being made. I've always just accepted food from Shadow outside of the dining hall. A few days without the hedgehog forced me to access portions on my own, and I ain't very good at doing stuff like that without my squad. I miss them. I miss our raids for food."

"I made you an armor suit," Shadow tells him as he seasons a pan of goodies.

"An armor suit?"

"Yes. You can try it on once it's printed."

"Alright," Infinite agrees. "Thanks. No one's ever made me a gift before. Yet here you are, making me food and armor. Dunno why. I swear to you, there's a bounty on my head."

Keeping his eyes on the stove top, Shadow sautés a serving of aromatic vegetables.

"What did I just say? I told you, I don't care. You belong to me now."

Infinite looks away. He always felt he had something to prove to his squad. The Shadow who killed them, he always swore he'd hate that Shadow forever and prove himself by avenging his pack. One day, he had hoped to kill Shadow the Hedgehog, but if that Shadow were to stand beside this Shadow, he's positive he'd see two completely unrelated individuals.

"You don't own me, but for letting me stay, I promise to be a good guard dog. You're the only Shadow that counts now."

"Good. I need you. I need you, so you need to eat and you need an armor suit."

Infinite's ears perk up. He heard the words, I need you but felt the words, I love you.

He feels a lump in his throat. All anger at the Shadow from his home dimension melts away. Forgiveness nourishes him. The Shadow that obliterated his squad, he can't stay angry at him. He wishes he had his mask to hide his watering eyes. Good thing Shadow's still not making eye contact. Unfortunately, Infinite accidentally makes a tiny, high pitched whimper, the sound a doggie makes when it's crying.

Oops. Couldn't hold it in.

Shadow pretends he can't hear it and continues to attend to the stove.

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