Caught - 1

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"Toga, WHAT DID YOU DO!" Izuku screamed.

"I Killed the man." She replied innocently.


"Sorry Dabi." Izuku (A.K.A Rabbit) mumbled.

"Villains don't apologize! Nevermind run." Toga yelled. As they ran Izuku started throwing milk and syrup on the road. It was tiring because Izuku's  quirk makes it harder to make toppings. Eri was currently in Izuku's backpack so he had to run backwards to noting  would hit her.

"ASSHOLES! COME BACK HERE!" Endeavor yelled throwing fire balls at them.

"AHH!" Toga yelled getting hit by fire. She then proceed to hit her head on a fence knocking her out. Dabi was now carring her which was now slowing him down

Then Eraserhead had to show up. Dabi wasn't much of a physical fighter so his quirk being removed it bad. Izuku was a close combat fighter so he barely uses his quirk unless him or is friends are hungry, but he can't fight fire with water/milk so he needed his quirk now.

Boom! Dabi fainted. Toga was still on top of him. Also if you played attention you would notice Eri coming out of Izuku's backpack. Izuku was going to fight back but he left his knife in the alleyway. Izuku's mask was still on so you couldn't see a tear on his face.

He lost this battle.

He wears a mask to hind his weakness. Uselessness and so forth.

"I surrender." Izuku said without his voice modified on.

"Please don't arrest them. I am the number 2 villain after all so arrest me not them." Izuku said putting his hand forward to be cuffed. Eri started crying too.

The police was hesitant before they put it on. They were kinda shocked that the number 2 hero was being kind? No villain ever says please and thank you.

They thought it was a trap so Eraserhead removed his quirk while the hero swarm him before putting the cuffs on. Izuku and Eri then proceed to pass out.

Infinite Milkshakes - Villain Deku Rehab |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now