Dadzawa? - 14

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Eri sat down in the villain's private living room watching some PBS Kids by herself on their big flat screen t.v. Her legs were swings back and forth happily as it hung off the ledge of the couch. She was so focused on the screen she didn't notice 'Dadzawa' walk in.

"Problem Child. Were are your friends?" Aizawa asked as he walked to the living room looking around. Eri's head shot up as she stared at the teacher before speaking.

"Oh! There sleeping!" Eri replied then switching her attention back onto the screen. She was watching another Cheesy Episode of Daniel Tiger Neighbor. Though, as a villain they didn't really watch t.v. so this kindness stuff looked interesting.

"What's a dad?" Eri asked Aizawa out of the blues as she watched to fat tigers give each other a hug while singing. The hero turned around and looked at Eri as he thought of an answer.

"Well. . .What do you think a dad is?" Aizawa asked the curious unicorn. The girl thought for a second and turned her head to the vegetarians on the screen.

"Well, the one tiger in the red outfit is hugging a bigger tiger wearing blue. And the chubby small one called the bigger one dad. So. . ." Eri trailed off as she stared at the monsters on the screen. Aizawa covered his mouth as tried to stop himself from laughing at the girls way of seeing the show.

"Dads care for you and give you big hugs, Just like Izuku! So Izuku is my dad?" Eri asked innocently. Aizawa sat mentally face palmed before realizing what the kid meant. Izuku did care for her and the two never had a dad.

"Yes and no. He might act like one but he isn't your biological one or legal." Aizawa explained cracking his knuckles. Eri looked at him in confusion then came into realization.

"So your my dad?!" Eri said looking proud. Aizawa eyes went wide while he looked at the innocent cinnamon roll. He took his hand and waved it in front of him trying to convince the little child she was wrong while he blushed under his scarf.

"So Dadzawa!" Eri said punching the air as she came to a conclusion. At the same time Izuku woke up to see what all the commotion was until he heard a loud Dadzawa waking up all the villains.


Izuku was having a peaceful dream for once in his life. It was about his mother and him having a fun life with his sister and father. It almost felt real and he was actually like the feeling until he was woken up by some loud commotion.

He heard Eri's voice outside his room talking to someone. Izuku assumed she was talking the T.V. like she usually do now every since the villains figured out how to turn on the T.V.

He also had a another reason to not worry. He knew the some of the girls in class 1a had taken a liking to Eri and have started becoming her friends. But then Eri's voice got louder causing Izuku to jump out of his bed in worry.

The boy then walked to his door opening it only to receive a loud DADZAWA in the face.

"Eri no." A familiar man in black said. Izuku tired eyes made it hard for him to see since it was really blurry. He rubbed his eyes and stared at the man again noticing it was his teacher Aizawa?

At that same time Dabi and Toga opened their door to see what all the commotion was only to be greeted by their teacher. As villains, the two thought they were in trouble even though that wasn't the case.

"Izu, Toga, Dabi, Can I call him Dadzawa?" Eri asked politely to her elders. Aizawa was mouthing no the older villains but of course they didn't listen.

"Dadzawa?" Izuku asked confused. The others were shocked, well only Aizawa, to hear the kid speak. Though their was so much noise around him that talking was the only way to notice him. There were singing cannibals on the screen and everyone was complaining. And to top it off Eri was saying something called dadzawa.

"You know Mr. Aizawa is like a dad so you put dad in his name!" Eri said acting as if she found a cure for cancer. She punched her fist in the air in victory while smiling. Toga was trying to hold in her giggles while Dabi was smirking.

"Aizawa might not like it though. . ." Dabi said trailing off while tapping his chin. Aizawa let out a sigh of relief as the villains were listening to his pleas. He spoke to soon.

"But I don't care so call him whatever you want!" Dabi said cracking his knuckles. Izuku mentally face-palms while Toga fell on the floor laughing. Eri had a proud expression on his face while Aizawa looked dead inside.

"I Give Up!" Aizawa said walking to the elevator grumbling curses forgetting the reason he even came upstairs. Izuku felt like making him coffee cause of his friends behavior but he stopped himself midway.

"Bye Dadzawa!" Eri yelled waving at Hero.

"Don't call me that!"

After a while Dabi told Eri not to call him that in front of others cause it is disrespectful. Eri did listen and the day went out normally.


Bonus: Monoma sat in the nurses office with a broken arm and leg. He was mumbling endless curses about how it wasn't fair and stuff.

He didn't understand how a toddler beat a hero in training.

Was he really that bad?

Recovery Girl, being the grandma she is, smacked the boy telling him to shut up or she would throw him out the window.

Lets just say Monoma didn't speak for the rest of the day.


My Fellow French Fries,

Thanks for a flipping 17k reads!

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Stay Safe And Don't Get Corona

Peace <3

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