Friendship - 12

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Izuku was still taking in everything that happened yesterday at the cafe. His 'mother' was just arrested for 7 years of abuse, which was great and all, but the words she said at the end still got to him.

The face his mother had made when she glared at him reminded him of the past when she beat him. Or the times when he was kicked out if the house because his mom brought over another man.

Izuku sat in his bed quietly remember these troubling thoughts by himself. Dabi and Toga were playing Mario Cart with the Heroes in Training while Mina and the girls were giving Eri a make over so he was alone.

Izuku got off his bed slowly and grabbed a sweatshirt. He put it on and walked out of his room only to see Shinso coming out of the elevator holding some food. Shinso looked up and gave Izuku a small smile as he handed him the plate. Izuku tilted his head and looked at the Purple haired boy in confusion as he took the food.

"Hi. We just made some food and I decided to hand you some since I guessed you would be hungry." Shinso said scratching his neck nervously. Izuku stared at the boy then nodded taking the food from him. Then it went silent again.

The duo went to the villain's private kitchen and sat down while Izuku grabbed a spoon. Shinso took one of the comfy stools and sat down watching Izuku.

"You must be lonely." Shinso said taking the spoon Izuku handed to him. The boy nodded and sat down sniffing the food before hesitantly taking a bite out of it.

"You don't have to eat if you don't want to!" Shinso said franticly waving his hands over the smaller boy's food. Izuku just shook his head and continued eating the meal which tasted pretty good.

"So, how has it been in U.A. High?" Shinso asked trying to start a conversation with the small boy. Izuku took another bite of his meal then looked up. He shrugged his shoulder then went back to eating slowly. The food was very hot and Izuku didn't want to risk burning his mouth.

"Well U.A. has been an okay school for me. I have some friends so it's cool." Shinso said taking a bite out of the meal while Izuku nodded listening to the conversation. Izuku has never been the one to hold conversations. He mostly like listening to people talk and stuff.

"Though your group of friends actually made it more exciting!" Shinso continued while smiling forgetting the group were villains. Izuku felt a wave of happiness wash over him. His group actually did something good for someone that didn't involve killing.

"Oh yeah! I heard what happened to your mother. . ." Shinso said trailing off. Izuku stopped eating and looked down in shame and nodded which the bigger boy seemed to notice. The two sat in an awkward silence until Shinso spoke up.

"I think it's really cool how you were able to stand in the same room as her! Like if I was there I would of been screaming like crazy after what she had done!" Shinso said trying to lighten up the mood which worked. Izuku smiled a little while looking up. A small giggle escaped the small boy's lips in amusement shocking Shinso.

Izuku clasped his hand over his mouth in embarrassment. Shinso just blushed at how cute the boy sounded when he laughed. Though the boy could tell that Izuku was shy about his laugh.

"No need to hide your laugh. I find it really cute." Shinso said not realizing his words which he was soon to regret. A new feeling washed over Izuku's body. He didn't know what it was but he liked it.

Shinso cheeks turned a bright red as he recalled what he just said. Shinso mentally smacked himself still happy that the broccoli boy was to oblivious to realize what happened.

"Anyway, do you like the meal?" Shinso asked changing the subject. The boy nodded while getting up. He picked up the now empty plastic plate and threw it in the trash can next to the counter. Shinso smiled and stood up to leave but a hand stopped him.

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