Class 1b - 13

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All the students were in the classroom chatting about their mornings while the teacher was late like always. The villain kids were in the back talking about life while Izuku braided Eri's hair into to french braids.

"Guys Good Morning." Aizawa said startling the class. He looked so dead inside as he stared at the class causing them to gulp.

"Good Morning Mr. Aizawa." The class said in unison. Aizawa nodded and the class just kept quiet. Aizawa let out a long sigh and continued to speak.

"Ok. Today we have joint training with class 1b." The teacher said writing something on the board. The class groaned in unison and put their heads down. The class already had a bad reputation with the class so it wasn't like they were looking forward to it. The class was silently mumbling curses while the villains stayed confused.

"What's class 1b?" Eri asked breaking the 'silence' in the classroom. All eyes went to her causing her to look down in embarrassment.

"Class 1b is like Class 1a but we're the higher class." Kirishima spoke up smiling his toothy grin at the girl causing her to smile back and nod.

"The other class is informed of the extra students so don't worry." Aizawa said sipping his coffee. The class nodded in unison.

"Now get your hero suits and leave."


"Now if it isn't class 1a with villains. Was class 1a so bad that they had to even add villains. Were-" Monama started rambling when he entered the gym only to be silenced by a glare.

Kendo was confused on why he didn't need to knock the idiot and just stared at Monoma in confusion. She turned around to see what Monoma was staring at and noticed a girl. She had a horn on her forehead and looked really innocent but her glare told otherwise.

Class 1a was quietly laughing at how an angel is scaring the carp out of them while the other class was shivering.

"Look what you have done! We have even more enemies!" Kendo said walking up to the boy in question and hitting on the head but not enough to knock him out.

"Anyway, As you heard we have more kids." Aizawa said motioning to the group of villains. The other class nodded while not making eye contact with the group.

"As you all know those kids have more experience in fight then all of you kids combined." Aizawa continue while putting his free hand in his pocket. Monoma was about to say something but a hand was slapped over his mouth before he could.

"So you guys are going to 2v1 them. Just like Class 1a did, Kinda." The teacher continued while looking at Vlad King who gulped in fear. Aizawa just rolled his eyes and picked up a list.

"So you guys have been divided into teams. The first one Is Monoma and Tetsutetsu against Eri." Aizawa said pointing to Eri who just shrugged her shoulder. Momoma just looked in confusion. Why was he going against such a weak girl?


Class 1b just slowly scratched their necks after seeing what and innocent looking girl could do to two grown teens. She DESTROYED them. She left the two in the nurses office in a matter of 2 minutes!

"Good Job Eri! Why did you go easy on them though?" Dabi said while giving Eri a high five while she just shrugged. Vlad King spit out his fruit punch after listening to what the older villain just said.

Easy. EASY! That didn't look like going easy on someone!

"Ok class 1b. Now that you have seen what that kid can do it is better you don't underestimate them. Now it is time for the next match up. We will have Shiozaki and Tsunotori against Dabi." Aizawa said sipping his coffee while reading the paper. The two girls in question just nodded and gulped while staring at the villain. Vlad King just gave the girls a sad look while Class 1a was enjoying their torture.

"After that we will have Kendo and Shoda against Toga." Aizawa continued still drinking his coffee. The two kids in questions just started praying for good luck while Toga just squealed.

"Yay! I can't wait to see all your blood on my knife!" Toga yelled swinging around a 12in blade she happened to be holding causing Kendo to gulp. Aizawa just face palmed at the villain.

"Toga, your only allowed to hold 5 knives in this battle. This is only practice remember." Aizawa said remembering her last battle wondering where she got those knives. Toga just pouted in frustration and glared at the teacher. Toga then just complied since she didn't want to argue with the hero. She lifted up her sweater and took out 12 pocket knives, then three 6in blades, and a Chainsaw?

Kendo nearly fainted thinking about how they were going to be destroyed with those weapons. Like were was she hiding a freaking chainsaw?!

"Beside that the last team will be Tokage and Komori against Izuku better known as Bunny." Aizawa finish throwing away his list along with his coffee into the trash.

"BUNNY!?!?" The whole class 1b yelled causing Aizawa to nod. Kendo this time almost passed out. Aizawa just smirked at the kids that were going to fight.

"Also good luck."


Half of class 1b be were being escorted to the nurse's office while the villain in question just quietly drank a smoothie since Izuku was to tired to make a milkshake. Vlad King hadn't spoken a word after seeing how defeated his class was. He resisted the urged to punch Aizawa in the face because he was just smirking.

"Vlad King. Do you have anything to say?" Aizawa said looking at the disappointed teacher. Vlad King shot him a silent glare while he got up.

"Ok class. We are going to improve your quirks in training tomorrow. . ." Vlad said quietly while his class followed in embarrassment. Class 1a, who was awfully silent, burst into laughter while the villains just smiled.

Maybe U.A. wasn't so bad.


Dear My Fellow French Fries,

First, Thanks for 15k reads because that is the most I have ever got.

Beside that, thanks for 15k reads again. Like it means so much!

Also I Need Ships: Just comment other ships here.


Stay Safe And Don't Get Corona

Peace <3

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