Toya Todoroki - 9

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Aizawa watched as his student just fainted. If it wasn't for his friends he would have hit his head on the edge of the bench. The class looked at Aizawa with confusion and worry written on their faces.

"Just take him to the nurse." Aizawa said while looking for Shinso. He need to ask the mind controller some questions. He then spotted him. When everyone left the room he pulled him aside.

"What did you say to him?" Aizawa asked looking him in the eyes. Shinso put his head down in guilt. He knew the words he said might have brought back bad memories to the small boy. He looked Aizawa in the eyes again and spoke.

"I think I went to far with my words." Shinso replied. Aizawa sighed.

"Ok, go get changed we need to go visit the problem child." Aizawa said throwing his coffee cup into the recycling bin.


"What happened now." Recovery girl sighed. This kid was in her room, again, and it is worrying.

The kids placed the small boy on the bed and look at the teacher.

"He was going against someone in the quirk assessment and. . ." Dabi started trailing off.

"He froze himself in ice." Eri said summing up the whole situation. Recovery Girl face palmed. She motioned for them to leave the room which they complied to.

Recovery girl sighed again.

"I see why he calls them problem children."


"Toya Todoroki." Nezu said spinning in his chair. Nezu has been looking for this kid for 4 years but got no leads. Now Shoto Todoroki claims it is his brother. He then stopped spinning and faced his phone.

Nezu grabbed a cup of tea and sighed. He decided to call detective Tsukauchi because he also was on this case.

"Detective." Nezu started on the call getting a simple yes in return.

"I think I found Toya Todoroki." Nezu said hearing someone spit water.

"What? Where, How, You?" The detective stammered. Nezu just laughed.

"I think he's Dabi." Nezu said drinking his tea. The Detective was quiet for a moment.

"Can I come over?" Tsukauchi asked picking up a file on his desk.

"Yes. See you then." Nezu said ending the call. Nezu smirked to him self.

This was going to be fun.


In Nezu's office Dabi, Tsukauchi, Nezu, and Aizawa were all seated in silence.

"Ok. You might be wondering why I called you all." Nezu said drinking his tea. Everyone nodded but the detective because he already knew why.

"Ok. Let me get started. Dabi, we have some questions for you." Nezu said smirking causing Dabi to shiver.

"What?" Dabi said slouching.

"Are you Toya Todoroki?" Nezu said staring into the humans eyes. The room went quiet while Aizawa took a loud slurp of his coffee.

Dabi's eyes widened at the comment. Shinso did inform him that they watched his past but he didn't know it would become so obvious.

"Are you?" Nezu asked the quiet boy. Dabi just frowned.

"If I am, what are you going to do?" Dabi said crossing his arms. The Detective just sat there with his notepad opened.

"Are you?" Nezu repeated again. Dabi looked down and mumbled an audible yes. Nezu smirked and looked at the detective who was writing something in his book.

"Ok Dabi. Why did you run away?" Nezu said wanting the full story. Dabi looked down. He never liked retelling his past.

"My dad." Dabi started. Tsukauchi wrote more words down while Mr. Aizawa was wondering why he was even in the room.

"He abused me saying he was training me." Dabi said. Aizawa groaned at his words. Nezu nodded waiting for him to continue.

"I could take the abuse but then Shoto was born with two quirks." Dabi said. Aizawa raised a brow. Was one of his kids being abused?

"He abused him." Dabi said bluntly. Aizawa nearly chocked on coffee. Nezu face was slowly turning into a growl but he still kept smiling. The detective was writing really fast on his notepad with a worried expression. Dabi sighed.

"I didn't like watching it so I ran away." Dabi said looking at the principal.

"Why the league? Why not, U.A.?" Nezu said drinking more tea. Aizawa nodded in agreement as if he wanted to know the answer.

"Well I was homeless for a while. So then I found the league and joined." Dabi said smirking. The detective finished writing a few things and closed his book.


Todoroki was walking up the the villains level. He wanted to apologize to his brother. What he didn't expect to happen was to be pulled into a hug when the door opened.

"T-toya?" Todoroki stammered looking at his older brother. Dabi nodded and pulled Shoto to his room.

"Am sorry." Todoroki said falling to the floor crying. Dabi just ruffled his hair while he spoke.

"Am sorry for hurting you just because you were different." Todoroki cried into his brothers lap. Dabi rubbed his back.

"Can you forgive me?" Todoroki said looking up to his brother with puffy eyes. Dabi just stared at his brother. Unknown to them Izuku was leaning on Dabi's door listening to her conversation.

"Ok." Dabi said. Izuku smiled at his response and walked away.

Todoroki looked up shocked.

"Wait really!?! You actually still love me as a sibling after all I have done?" He said hugging the bigger boy. Dabi nodded.

"That's what brothers are for."


Hello Fellow French Fries,

First @SunFlower5640 will get a shout out for figuring out the age am turning.

Also thanks for 6.82k reads and 46 follows!!!!!!!!!!

This made my day.

Ok stay safe and don't get Corona.

Peace <3

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