Choose - 20

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All eyes went on Izuku as the boy thought up a response. If he joined the villains it would be his past all over again. Helping U.A. just to get hurt. Though if he said no he would hurt them.

Just like when he was younger. But back then he didn't have a choice.

Izuku turned his head around to take a good look at the Nomu they were going to fight. The monsters brain, which was his weak point, was a lot smaller this time making him worry.

"So? I give you 10 seconds to pick." Shigaraki said cracking his knuckles. His class continued staring at the boy in fear of his response. They didn't want to lose the boy but they didn't want to die either.

"10." Shigaraki started counting. Izuku started to shake even more.






"Ok! I'll-" Izuku said cutting off the man's countdown. Shigaraki smirked as he clapped his hands together only to get interrupted.

"Don't do it!" Twice yelled running up so the boy could hear him. Twice knew about the abuse Izuku went through. He knew about the neglect and starving that happened during their intense training. He knew everything.

Yet he didn't do anything.

This time the boy was in front if him in his reach. He might not have became hero but at least he could save one person.

Izuku just shot him a confused glance while Shigaraki glared at him. Dabi and Toga looked at each other a shrugged their shoulders while Eri just kept quiet.

"It's a trap!" The villain continued causing Shigaraki to growl. Though the growl didn't scare Twice. Aizawa raised a brow at that remark while Hizashi nearly fainted.

"No matter what you pick he will still make that nomu kill your class!" Twice rambled against Shigaraki. Izuku looked the pale man dead in the eyes with betrayal.

"I WILL TURN MYSELF IN. JUST DONT JOIN THE LEAGUE!" Twice yelled at the top of his lungs as he stared at Izuku. Izuku didn't even move because he didn't know what to do.

The room went quiet as Twice put two hands up in the air while he looked around. Kurogiri remained emotionless while Shigaraki was fuming.

"Me too. I also will turn myself in." Compress said while raising his arms to show them he had no weapons. Twice smiled at him before looking back at Shigaraki. The pale man was furious at what they were doing and wasn't going to accept it.

"I would also like to surrender." Overhaul added getting a smile hidden smile from twice. Dabi and Toga smiled at their old friends. They  were happy they were helping them win this battle even. What they didn't like was that they were sacrificing their lives.

"Me too as well!" Big Sis Mag and Spinner said raising their hands. At that moment Shigaraki's jaw dropped. Those were his remain teammates and they turned their backs against him.

"NO FAIR! NO FAIR! THIS IS CHEATING!" Shigaraki said stomping like a child. Toga was giggling in the back ground at his response while Izuku smiled a genuine smile that only Aizawa seemed to notice.

"Kurogiri send them away!" Shigaraki yelled pointing to his surrender teammates. The man in question did noting causing Shigaraki to growl again.

"Did you not hear me!?!? Kill the-"

"No." Kurogiri responded causing the leader to raise a brow. Kurogiri just looked at Izuku as if he was signaling something.

Kurogiri also knew of the thing Shigaraki did to Izuku. He was the one who patched up his wounds even though he wasn't aloud too. Kurogiri also snuck the boy food late at night a few times so he didn't die. He knew about everything and he was not going to allow it happen again.

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