"I think im in love with you"

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Daniel gripped my body and kissed my passionately. What was he thinking? What was I thinking?! I couldn't stop myself. I reached down and unbuckled his jeans and he took them off.

"Karissa..." He said sexually into my ear.

He rested his head against the back board of the bed and took out his dick. I heard him moan when I licked the tip. He pushed my head deeper, his tip hit the back of my throat and I gaged. Daniel moaned loudly at this.

I began to suck more and move up and down faster. "Keep going, I'm almost there." He shouts as he pushed in my mouth once more. He tensed up and jumped back as he cummed inside my mouth.

I looked up at him and swallowed quietly. He planted a kiss on my lips and laid on top of me again. He slowly reached down under my underwear and began to rub my clit. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as I moaned quietly.

"I want you." I said slowly but not realising what I said as I was in the moment. I was worried Daniel was going to hate me for saying that but instead he sped up. He quickly inserted 2 fingers inside of me without warning.

I felt my legs start to shake as I felt his fingers inside of me. He pushed harder into me and moaned. "I'm Cumming!" I shouted as i gripped his hand to get him to stop. I hit my climax and moaned loudly.

Daniel just laid back next to me on the pillow. I sat up and everything went quiet. It didn't feel awkward, I know we were both feeling bad about everything. What can I do to not make it awkward?

"Sorry." I said quietly.

Daniel sat up and put his head on my shoulder. "Don't ever be sorry. No regrets" he added...

No regrets. That's mine and Beau's thing. I guess not anymore. Daniel kissed my shoulder and I laid beside him and we fell asleep.


I slowly arose and looked to the side as I was searching for Beau, but he wasn't there. I was cuddling up to Daniel still. I looked at him and smiled. Where is everyone?

I slowly got up and went downstairs. No one was in the living room or the kitchen. I went back upstairs and check James' bedroom. He wasn't there. I checked Jai's bedroom and he wasn't there. I went into Luke's bedroom and saw Kiana awake and on her phone with Luke passed out beside her.

"Hi." I said bluntly.

She looked up and smiled. "Hey, me and Luke came back after a while. Beau stayed there and so did James. I don't know about Daniel though" Kiana said getting up.

"Where's Jai?" I said trying to avoid the Daniel situation.

"Oh, he's with a girl." She looked back down at her laptop.

"What?! Does he not know he has a girlfriend?!" I frowned.

"Calm down, there just friends....." She said sarcastically. "Unlike Beau and Chelsey." She added with a evil smirk on her face.

I wanted to punch her right there, but I couldn't. I knew I couldn't. I walked out and shut the door behind me.

I went back downstairs and grabbed a glass of milk. As i was pouring the milk, something grabbed me from behind. I dropped the glass and it smashed right on the floor.

"Woah! Stay still. Don't move your feet. I don't want you standing on glass." He laughed.

I looked up to see Beau reaching for me. I backed off and stood on a bit of glass. "Babe!" He shouted. I gripped my foot and yelped. He tried to grab me, and hug me to see if I was alright, but I pushed him back. "Get the hell away from me." I screamed.

Hopelessly In Love (Janoskians Fanfiction) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now