"You ready to party?"

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I'm 3 weeks and 4 days pregnant. It's been a few days since I told Beau, we have kept it a secret. Only me, Beau and James know. James has been so supportive and I love him for that. Things haven't changed between me and Beau much, I'm still terrified and I'm scared that what if I start showing. I am showing a little bit but not enough to worry.
(Picture of bump is at the start)

I'm in mine and Beau's room staring at myself in the mirror, I gently lift my top up just enough to show my stomach and I begin to feel my stomach, when Beau comes into the bedroom and smiles at me. He comes over and puts his arms around my waist. "You're beautiful" he says.

I smile slightly and he turns me around. He looks at me in my eyes. "I love you so much." He says and I smile and cover my face.

"Australia in 2 days time but new year tonight! I want a huge kiss" he smirks and kisses my lips warmly.

"Indeed you shall" I laugh.


A load of people come over for the party, everyone's drinking but of course I can't, but it's ok because no one will notice because I don't drink anyways.

"You ready to party!" Jai shouts out over the crowd! Everyone shouts and cheers.

"Half an hour until NEW YEAR! Everyone still has to get pissed as fuck!" Daniel shouts out.

Beau grabs me tightly and kisses my cheek. "I've had a drink but I'm ok" he laughs, "not that drunk" he mumbles his words.

Suddenly it feels like the time went by so fast and I'm hearing everyone counting down from 10!

"10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1!" Everyone shouts together "Happy New Year!"

Beau holds me and kisses me passionately. "Happy New Year" I smile and he grins. "Guess what I'm wearing" I wink.

"Vibrating underwear that isn't vibrating." I joke.

Beau smiles widely. "Let me grab the controls." And he runs off upstairs. I look about and see Luke and Kiana making out, Lucy and Daniel making out and Jai is partying with James, wheres Holly? I run up to them and smile. "Happy New year I peck them both on the cheek. "New Years kiss still counts"

"Where's Holly?" I frown.

"Did you not hear everything this morning?" James questions me.

"No?" I say

"Jai and Holly were arguing and they broke up." James said. I looked at Jai with sympathy.

"No James. I broke up with Holly" he says smiling and wanders off.

Beau comes up behind me and grabs my waist, "come up stairs" he kisses my neck. "Not yet" I turn around.

"Babe." Beau frowns.

"Jai and Holly broke up. I may not be friends with her but I'm going to fix this." I say and walk off to find Jai.

I run up to Jai. "What happened?" I ask.

"We just argued. It doesn't matter. I couldn't care less." He smirks.

I frown. "Seriously Jai? I know you well enough to see you care." I say raising an eyebrow.

"Oh just piss off! Go back to you're boyfriends. Which one is it this time? Lewis, Daniel, Beau?" He says and then quickly realises what he said and his eyes widen.

"That was way harsh Jai." I say and walk off.

"Shit Karissa I didn't mean to." Jai says.

I go upstairs and lay on the bed. If Jai is thinking that. What is everyone else thinking? What will everyone else be like when they find out I'm pregnant but I don't know who's the dad.

Beau comes running upstairs and lies next to me. "Babe. I'm sorry." He says.

"Why you sorry?" I turn to him.

"For pushing you. I love you." He takes my hand.

"Beau.." I feel a tear fall down my cheek hitting my top.

"Mhm?" He says looking up at me.

"I think I'm going to have an abortion." I say.

"What?! Why?" He asks.

"We don't need this. Especially if it's Daniels. Lucy has only started to like me again. Plus it puts pressure on us if it's Daniel. You won't like me if I'm fat." I say turning away from him.

He cuddles me spooning me and I feel his hot breathe on my neck. "Baby. Lucy would have to get over it. I will always love you no matter what you look like. You're perfect." He smiles and pecks my neck.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Hopelessly In Love (Janoskians Fanfiction) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now