"Fine, we're over"

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"It's...." I shook my head and ran into the bedroom.

Daniel and Beau got up and ran after me. "Karissa. Tell us." Daniel said angrily.

I looked up at the boys. "It's....Beau's" i blurted out.

Daniel's face dropped. Beau came and sat beside me. "It's ok." He said quietly, wrapping his arms around me.

"What now?" Daniel said through his hands. "You can't keep it." He added.

"Why not?" Beau said.

"He's right Beau. We can't keep it. Look how much drama it's called." I sighed.

"Right." Beau sighed, got up and walked to the other side of the room.

Daniel got up and walked out.

"Beau." I said getting up and standing behind him. I placed my arms around his waist and held him tightly.

"Please don't hate." I added.

"Why would I hate you?" He said a little bit to exaggerated, turning around and looking at me. "That's our baby in there, and you want to get rid of it. Why would I hate you?" He voice started to get angrier and sarcastic. I took my hands away and stood in front of him.

"Im not ready. Can't you respect that." I sighed.

"Now we know it's mine why would I want to get rid of it." He said throwing his arms about the place.

"You're not listening to what I'm saying! If you want a baby. Go find someone else who does!" I snapped at him.

His face dropped and his eyes were startled. "Fine. We're over." He said and stormed out the room and slammed the door behind him.

What?! I didn't mean that! Well I did but I didn't mean that!!

I sat down on the bed and placed my hands over my face crying into them. When Jai came in and stood over me. "Karissa. I'm so sorry." He said.

"Don't." I said looking up at him. "It's okay." I said.


I stayed in a hotel that night and booked a plane for the next morning back to Los Angeles to get my stuff.

I woke up to the sound of no traffic - it was nothing like Los Angeles and London then. It was cold and I was shaking. I cuddled my stomach and rubbed it warmly and softly.

"I'm sorry." I said to my belly.

I got out of bed and packed my stuff I had ready. Jai and Gina came to pick me up to take me to the airport. Gina was very quiet in the car and Jai kept looking at me.

"Don't go." He said putting his hand on my leg in the car. I moved my leg away and looked at him.

"Sorry." I sighed.

"Don't keep saying sorry." He said. "You don't have to be with Beau but you have to stay friends with the rest of us. Especially me." He said.

I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. "It will be okay." I smiled to myself.

We reached the airport and I hugged them both goodbye and I got on the plane. The whole ride was boring and lonely.


I got into Los Angeles at 10am that same morning and I went straight back to the house. I was greeted by Mariam and Ronnie.

"What's up girl?" Mariam said. "Jai phoned and told us." She added.

Great everyone's talking about me.

"Apparently Beau didn't even know you left, and he's in total shock when he went to apologise to you at the hotel this morning." Ronnie said.

"It doesn't matter." I sighed and went upstairs to pack my stuff quickly because my other plane for London was in 1 hour.

I packed all my stuff and said goodbye to everyone. Even Romeo our puppy.

I headed to the airport and got onto the plane. It was lonely and boring again.


I got into London for 4pm and I headed home. I was greeted by my parents who were shocked by my news of pregnancy.

"Pregnant? What?" My dad said is total shock.

"It wasn't planned." I said.

My mum cuddled me. "Where Beau?" She asked.

"We are done. For good this time. No more." I added and she let me go.

"You two always say that, but it's never the truth. You two are made for each other." She smirked.

"No seriously. That's it for good now" I said.

"Why did you break up?" She asked.

"It's the stupidest thing ever. He wanted the baby and I didn't. So I said he should find someone who wants a baby and he ended it." I said.

I don't think it's quite hit me yet - that me and Beau have broke up. I went upstairs and unpacked everything. I laid straight flat onto my bed and hugged it tightly. I missed my bed.

My phone bleeped and I quickly opened the message.

"Hey beautiful. You back in London yet?" Jai said.

"Hey handsome. Yes just got back now."

Everything was lonely without the boys. It was quiet and boring.

Hopelessly In Love (Janoskians Fanfiction) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now