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(Going to make this a short but drama chapter...CLIFF HANGER THOUGH)

Today's the day we go to the doctor. It's been 2 days since the whole thing blew up. Everything felt ruined but we're all working through it slowly...

I'm at the doctors in Australia. Beau and Daniel are with me and there both not ready as I can tell. Jai keeps texting me every 5 minutes to find out if I know yet. (Obviously not Jye) beau and Daniel has already given D&A to the doctors. I just need to go in for my turn.

Suddenly I get called by the doctor. I stand up and head into the room. Beau and Daniel wait outside.

"Hello Miss May. I'm Dr Chang" the woman says.

I lay on the bed and she does her doctor thing. 5 minutes later....I get back up and we are told to go home.


When we get back to the house, they told us they will phone within the next 2-6 hours. It felt like forever waiting.

Luke has been constantly trying to get a hold of Maria but she's feeling bad obviously and not wanting to speak. He finally gave up and went to her house that they used to play together in, when they were younger.

Beau has been extremely strong and Daniel has been shitting himself (literally) he's been going to the toilet every 5 minutes. I swear.

Suddenly my phone and everyone jumps up to hear the convo.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hello is this Miss Karissa May." The doctor says.

"Yes that's me" I say.

She gives me the results and I put the phone down.

"Well?" Daniel says.

I pause and look around the room and see everyone looking at me.....


Hopelessly In Love (Janoskians Fanfiction) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now