James knows.

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The next morning, I'm woken up by my hair being pushed behind my ear by a hand. I open my eyes and look to see Jai. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." Jai says softly.

I look around and James is sleeping on the floor. Where's the rest?

"Where's everyone?" I say quietly.

"Daniel is in James' room and Luke, Beau is in his room in the shower. James is asleep on the floor." Jai responds.

I look up at him and smile. "Don't go." I sigh.

"I need to." He sighs and looks up at the ceiling.

"Do you miss Holly?" I ask. Why did I ask that? I'm suchlike fucking idiot.

"Sometimes." He says.

"Jai...I wouldn't mind if you got back with her. I just want you to be happy." I say clenching his hand waiting for his response.

"K....why would you think that I would want that?" He says turning to face me again. His hair all scruffy and looking so hot.

"I don't know." I sigh.

"Nothing would ever change about you. I finally got what I wanted. I kissed you after waiting so long and I even got to sleep with you, and you are amazing in bed." He smirks.

"No im not." I get nervous and cover my face.

He shakes his head. "You're fucking sexy." He laughs.

I smirk and he looks back up at the ceiling. I slowly pull my top down the is one of Luke's tops and I reveal my breasts. I tap Jai's cheek and he looks at me before looking down.

"Fuck." He says smiling.

"You know you want to touch them." I smirk.

He moves his hand over my breasts and feels about. "Fuck. They are fuck." He says lost in words.

I chuckle and pull his hand. "No no no." He says trying to reach for them again.

I lean over him and kiss him tenderly. "Fuck im so turned on" he says into the kiss.

"Me too." I smirk pulling away and he places a hand on my bum and squeezes it.

I climb on top of him and rub my wet area over his hard area softly.

"Fuck. Faster." He whispers.

I speed up and rub harder. "Up and down baby. Come on this is so good." He says grabbing onto my hips and rubbing his hips up and down.

"Cum Jai." I whisper.

He reaches down and rubs my clit slowly as im speeding up.

"Stop. Stop stop." He says as we hear the shower turn off.

"It's okay. He will need to dry himself." I say and rub faster. I grab his hand and his releases into his boxers and I feel his cum through his boxers.

"Mother fucker." Jai says gripping my breasts hard.

I reach down and kiss his lips. Before the door opens and I fall next to him and close my eyes, and Jai lays there panting. Beau walks out and looks over at us.

"Jai why the fuck you red?" Beau says laughing.

"Dude It's hot in here." Jai says quickly.

Beau gets changed and I finally act like I've just woken up.

"Hey." Beau smirks at me while packing his things.

"Hey." I smile.

I look over at Jai and wink. Jai has cum all over his boxers and he can't get up for everyone to see. Beau finally walks out and goes into his room. Jai jumps up and runs to the bathroom. "Karissa." He says from the bathroom. "Hand me some boxers." Jai says.

I laugh and grab a pair before he opens the door completely naked and I smirk and hand them to him.

I lay back on the bed and smile to myself. "Okay. I heard everything but don't hurt anyone." I hear James say looking up at him.

My eyes widen in complete shock and I just stare at him.

"If you like Jai then carry on doing so, but be sure you like him before you hurt someone." James says.

"I'm...I'm sorry." I say.

"It's alright Karissa. Just make sure it's the right decision before you hurt Beau." James says.

"Sorry you had to hear that." I said.

"It's okay. I've heard all the boys jacking off before and they did it while I slept in the same room as well so nothing bothers me." James chuckles and gets up and heads out the room.

Jai walks out and comes over to me. "So James is awake." Jai says.

"Yeah." I say.

Jai comes over to me and kisses my lips. "You're such a bad girl." He laughs.

"James knows." I say.

"What?!" Jai said getting up and looking at me.

"He heard us." I reply.

"What did he say? Is he going to tell Beau?" He says.

"No I don't think so. He just says I should be sure of us first before I hurt someone." I say.

"Sure of us?" Jai questions me.

"Well are you sure of me." I get up and stand in front of Jai.

"Of course." Jai says and starts packing his stuff.

"Don't lie. Be honest. I don't even know what's going on with us. What is it? A fling? One night stands? Friends with benefits? Couple?" I say.

"Well what do you want?" He says.

"I don't know Jai. You're the guy." I frown.

"Let's just see where it goes." He says.

"How about we stop this before someone gets hurt." I add.

Jai's face drops and he sits on the bed confused.

"Jai." I say.

"That's okay. I mean I'm going back to Los Angeles and US would never work from so far away." Jai says.

My face then drops. It hurt hearing him say that. He gets up and hugs. "One last kiss please." I beg him.

He smirks and his lips connect with mine slowly and like it was the last ever kiss in a while.


We get to the airport and the boys are all ready to go.

"Goodbye Karissa. We'll see you soon." Luke says hugging me.

"Bye Karissa. I'll miss you." Daniel says hugging me.

"See you and make the right decision." James says whispering into my ear.

"I already have." I sighed.

"Bye beautiful. I'll miss you so much. Phone and text me all the time." Jai says kissing my cheek. "If your ever horny think of my cock and how much it misses you." He whispers into my ear and I chuckle.

Beau hugs me tightly and pecks my lips. "Don't miss me to much." He says.

"I won't" I smile.

Hopelessly In Love (Janoskians Fanfiction) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now