"I want to hit you"

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I shiver quickly which causes me to shoot awake. I look around my bedroom and its freezing. "MUM" I shout from upstairs.

A few seconds later my mum runs in. "What?!" She says loudly.

"Why the hell is it cold?" I say.

"The heating has broke. Oh and by the way Luke called and the boys said come to theres hotel at 11am." She says and walks out.

I frown and look over at my clock. 10:30am?? Seriously mum! I shoot out of bed and scramble all my clothes together and get changed. I put a warm cozy long white top and put leggings on and uggs, because I'm wanting to be casual today. I put natural make up on and put my hair up in a messy bun, and head downstairs.

I get to the boys hotel at 11:10am and go upstairs. I didn't know what room they were in. So I just tried to listen to what room made the most noise. Shortly after I heard Daniel screaming and I knocked on the door.

Beau opened the door and greeted me with a smile. I loved that smile. I saw Jai, Luke, James and Daniel standing on the bed and panicking. "What's happened?" I said laughing.

"There's a fucking spider on my jeans!" Daniel shouted at me.

I burst out laughing and went over to Daniels jeans and flicked them about, then the spider crawled out. I put my hand out and it climbed onto my hand slowly. Beau ran to the window and opened it, and Daniel screamed loudly. I put the spider on the window outside and closed the window and turned to face the boys on the bed.

I shook my head and they all laughed. "So anyways why did i have to come here?" I said.

"Luke wants to go on a walk around a creepy forest." Jai said jumping up and plonking next to me.

I looked at Luke and sighed. "I hate walking. I'm so unfit." I laughed.

"Lazy cunt" Daniel laughed.

"Fuck you." I chuckled sticking my finger at him.


We headed downstairs and got into the taxi. We arrived in the middle of no where shortly after and got out the taxi. "I'm scared." Daniel said.

Luke got out his camera and we started to walk. Beau and Daniel went ahead and Luke, Jai stayed with me. James went in the middle and snapchatted all of us in the woods.

"Hey guys. We are all in the middle of nowhere in London and Daniel is scared." James said to his phone.

Luke runs off ahead to get a photo of some things.

"So how are you?" Jai says making conversation.

I laughed and look at him. "Missing you." I tease.

"You're cute." Jai says taking my hand and linking it with his. I look down at our hands and walk closer to him. I lean in and kiss his cheek.

"Karissa!" Beau shouts back to me and I let go of Jai's hand quickly before Beau notices and then Beau turns around.

"What?" I say.

Beau runs over to me and links arms with me. "Wear something amazing tonight. The limo will pick you up at 6pm and were all going somewhere, but it's a surprise." Beau says laughing and running ahead again.

Jai looks at me and smiles. We carry on walking and I'm smiling at him, when I don't notice theres a rock and I trip and Jai grabs my arm and saves me. I look up at him and smile.

"Thank you." I say shyly.

"Seriously? I've known you for years and this is the first time I've seen you shy. Except the first time I met you." I he laughs.

Hopelessly In Love (Janoskians Fanfiction) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now