Holly's back

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I've been back in Los Angeles for 2 hours and I already feel like I'm home. We all sat round the table to eat breakfast and Jai kept looking at me from the other side of the table and winking. God I just wanted to push all the food off the table and kiss the crap out of him right now.

"How's everything back in London then?" James asks.

"Boring as usual." I say.

"So Jye my man, what's up with you and Holly? You still haven't told us the whole story." Beau turns to him while eating his pancakes.

"Jus..t...ya...k..n...now" Jai studdered. I could tell he was such a bad liar at this point.

"Just what happens to every couple eventually." Jai says and takes a mouthful of his pancake. Beau looks at me and sighs. "Yeah I guess it does." Beau says.

Jai notices Beau looking at me when he says that and I gaze my eyes widely at him to tell him it's okay.

"You got anyone new then?' James changes the conversation and aims it right at me. Are you fucking seriously Jamyamm? Now?!

"No." I respond deeply.


In the evening, I begin to walk back upstairs and along the corridor. Fuck it's cold I thought to myself. When suddenly something grabs my hand and pins me against the wall. I look up in shock and see Jai smiling at down at me. "Are you growing?' I smirk.

"No, are you shrinking?" He smirks back.

We both laugh and he wraps his arms around my waist and I put my hand over his cheek and cup it. He looks at me for a few seconds before gently making out with him slowly and passionately. Why was he doing it like this? It's always been so rough and sexual. Right now it was soft, gentle, like he was actually being careful and it was like he thought I could break in piece at any moment. Finally he pulled away and looked me in the eyes again.

"What was that for?" I say, looking deep into his eyes.

"I really want....us." He says. "You. I want YOU. You're everything. Being with you is perfect, every single moment is perfect. I had always wanted this. Kissing you is like everything comes together, cuddling you is like I'm keeping you safe. I want to protect you and be there for you. Only if you let me. I...love you " He says.

Fuck. Those words just came out of no where. It made me feel so good inside - no guy has ever said anything like that to me before. I was falling hard for his words and I was in total shock and keep hearing his words over and over again in my head and smiling. I do care, I care so much for him. I love you was perfect coming from his mouth.

"Say something.' Jai says and I snapped out of it.

"Wow" I say whispering and I pecked his lips.

Jai chuckled and pulled me into the bedroom. "And sex is just a bonus" he smirked as he pushed me onto the bed.

"Jai we can't! The boys will hear. I'm loud." I whisper and push him off gently.

"Fuck, we are never going to get any time alone." He sighed and sat down next to me.

I sat up and took his hand and he looked confused. "I'll be outside the front door, come outside in 5 minutes and meet me." I say pecking his lips and walking out the door.

I went out the front door and waited, it was very dark and it was so close to midnight, when my phone suddenly rings....it's Holly.

"Hi" I say

"Do you like Jai?" Holly says quickly.

"N..no." I say worried like crazy.

"Good. Just promise me you don't want him" she said again.

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