Holly and Jai

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This chapter is going to be about Jai and Holly and why they broke up. I've had a few dm's from people asking why Jai and Holly broke up and why Holly hated Karissa towards the end. So here is why. Any guesses?

(Holly Pov)

I've been back in London for 2 months now and Jai still hasn't texted me. Im sad it's over but he didn't seem to care and neither did anyone else. Im so done with him anyway. I'm moving on.

It's a Thrusday night and I'm sitting at home, watching some movies on Netflix. Im glad I'm not friends with Karissa anymore. She's a whore and can't keep her hands off any guys.

Suddenly my phone vibrates and I answer. "Hey?" I said with a unknown number on my phone.

"Hi it's Jai. Don't hang up" he says quickly.

"Oh yeah I've blocked your number so you must be calling me off something else. I couldn't care less what you have to say Jai." I said and was about to put my phone down.

"Karissa and Beau broke up. She's coming back to London, she doesn't even know what's she done wrong with you. It wasn't even her fault. She knows nothing about it." He said down the phone.

"Are you serious? Why would I want to go near that bitch. Am I dumb Jai? But since her and Beau have broke up, you can finally get what you always wanted to kiss her and fuck her 'hot body'" I shout loudly down the phone.

"Don't hold that against me! You went into my phone and read my notes because you didn't trust me anyways. It's not my fault you read that!" Jai said.

"Its your fault you wrote it! You were meant to be in a relationship with me but instead you were writing in your notes how much you like Karissa and always have and how you would like to fuck her tight pussy because that's what Beau told you that it was tight! And that you wanted to kiss her just once because she's so beautiful." I shouted.

"Holly! I was with you. I loved you! If I wanted someone else - I would broke up with you, but I didn't want her. I would never cheat on anyone." He basically jumped down the phone at me.

I quickly hang up and put my phone down on the couch. I brought my knees up to my chest and cried loudly. I know he wanted her and I know she wants him!

(Jai's Pov)

Holly put the phone down and I laid down on the grass. This is completely messed up. I couldn't ever get with Karissa anyways. She always wanted Beau and he's my brother. I love him. Cheating isn't my style. Plus with everything to do with Ariana, I wouldn't want to get cheated on and I wouldn't cheat on anyone because I know how it feels.

Beau came outside and laid on the grass beside me. We both looked up at the beautiful warm, light blue, no clouds sky.

"I didn't think she would go." Beau said.

"I didn't either." I pointed out.

"Well that's it now then. No going back this time. I am so in love with love that I don't see anything when I'm in love. I'm blind as a bat and will let anyone walk over me." Beau said.

"Aren't we all." I said.

"Why won't you tell us about you and Holly then? Are you two done for good?" Beau asked.

"Yep." I stated.

(This was a short chapter on how Holly and Jai broke up and why she HATES Karissa so much, even though Karissa doesn't know what she's done wrong.)

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