"He left me"

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I woke up at 8am to phone my mum to wish her a happy birthday. She's always hated the idea that her birthday is a few days before Christmas. She finds it stressful and annoying. I walk out mine and Beau's room and phone her up.

"Hey beautiful" she starts to cry down the phone.

"Why are you crying?" I laugh

"I miss you so much and you're dad is driving me mad." She chuckles.

"I've sent you some stuff down, and just ignore dad. He's so weird we all know that." I say.

"What's happening with you? Daniel? Beau?" She questions.

"I'm back with Beau. Daniel is ok with it, we haven't really spoke since we broke up, but to be honest we we've never on in the first place. Fans obviously hate me so much and I can understand why." I say.

"I'm glad you're back with Beau, I need Dorito Grandkids" she laughs.

"Mum!" I say loudly.

After we get off the phone, I go back into Beau's room and see he's awake sitting on the bed in his phone. "Whatcha doing?" I smile.

"Tweeting my gorgeous fans. I woke up because I couldn't find you to put my hands around you're waist" he sighs.

"I was just phoning my mum to wish her a happy birthday." I smile.


At around 10am everyone starts to wake up and come downstairs. Christmas is in 2 days and I haven't even got anything for Beau. I need to go shopping but I can't go with my best friend Holly. Lucy hates me and Kiana is a bitch. I sit down on the couch next to Beau when Kristina phones me. "Hey babe." She shouts down the phone.

Beau nudges me "who's that?"

"Kristina' I cover the phone and speak to him.

Jai and Luke burst out laughing and Beau just shakes his head. I know he finds it weird that I'm good friends with his ex but I don't mind, plus I love finding juicy gossip about Beau.

Kristina and me arrange to go out to the mall with Chelsey (another one of Beau's ex,s)

"Who you going with then? Just Kristina?" Beau asks.

"No...erm...Chelsey as well." I say smiling.

"Seriously? My girlfriend is going out being besties with my ex's" he is stunned.

"Maybe you shouldn't have so many ex's" I smirk and grab my bag, Jai runs up to me giving me a high five for the burn, and walk out the front door.

I arrive at the mall and see Kristina and Chelsey outside waiting. "Hey girls!" I smile.

We get inside the mall and start shopping. Kristina buys stuff for her family and Chelsey buys loads of stuff as well. I am completely stuck on what to get Beau. Aftershave? Book? Man necklace? Watch? Shoes? Beanies? Suddenly I find myself buying all of that without even thinking. I'm so dumb.

I arrive home and run upstairs to wrap the stuff before shoving it into my suitcase that I left here before. I ran back downstairs and Beau is smiling at me. "What you get me?" He laughs.

"Stop it!" I chuckle.

I sit down next to him and he puts his arm around me, "so when we going to Australia?" I ask.

"January the 2nd to the 15th" he grins thinking about his home and family. "I'm excited" I grin back and peck his lips.


The next day I'm woken up by a strange sickly feeling in my stomach at around 7am. "Fuck!" I say quietly and run to the toilet to be sick. I get into the bathroom and lift the toilet seat up, and I feel myself being sick. Food poisoning fuck sake. I hear Beau say my name before I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet. I walk out the toilet and look at Beau. "Sick?" He says.

"James' food again last night" I laugh.

"You never learn." He laughs before I run inside the bathroom again to be sick. Beau runs in after me and grips my hair, taking it back and holding it. Suddenly I hear him gagging behind me. "Seriously?" I mumble into the toilet. "Sorry. Weak stomach" he says gagging some more.

"This is why you don't win daresundays" I laugh but fail as I'm sick again. After I feel as though I've let everything out. I get up and go to brush my teeth. Beau walks into the bedroom and I come out after a few minutes and see he's fallen asleep again. I walk downstairs to see James awake on his laptop. "What are you doing awake?" I ask.

"Sometimes I can't sleep so I come down here and speak to fans. I'm on you now." He says "come in and say hey to everyone" he says taking my hand and dragging me down to the camera. "EW no I look like shit" I laugh.

James looks at his computer and then back up at me. "Everyone's asking who is here." He says to me. I quickly turn around and sit down.

"It's Karissa. Beau's girlfriend girls" he says. "Don't be bitchy" he adds.

I get up and walk to the kitchen and try to get myself a drink of water, but I keep feeling sick. I had some of James' chicken tikka last night, and I know I shouldn't have.


I got better throughout the day after 10 and I didn't feel sick anymore. I was perfectly fine. Daniel and Lucy are getting back together and she's trying to forgive me. Kiana is still being a cunt. Chelsey and Kristina text me all the time. Holly still hasn't spoke to me and she's continuing to say she's going to make Beau see what I really am. Luke is happy with Kiana. James is asleep, but so would I if I stayed up all night broadcasting. Jai is making cookies for all of us, and I'm sitting down in the living room.

"Ready for new year?" Luke says coming downstairs.

"More ready for Christmas." I chuckle.

Suddenly my phone rings and Its my mum. Beau comes downstairs and sits next to me cuddling me.

"Hello?" I say down the phone.

"You're dad and me have broken up." She says crying down the phone.

"What?!" I shout. Causing Beau to jump back in horror and look at me scared.

"We have just been arguing and arguing and he finally gave up and he ended it with me. He walked out at 11pm and I don't know where he's gone."she says bursting into more tears.

"Listen mum it's ok. He will come back. Maybe he just needs a break. He's a guy, that's what they do." I say reassuring her.

"No Karissa, he says that's it, he doesn't want me anymore." She says sniffling."I need to go Debbie is here" she says and hangs up. Debbie is my mums best friend.

I out my phone down and just stare at the floor. "Baby what's wrong?" Beau says looking at me worried, while rubbing my back. "My mum and dad have broke up. He left her." I say bursting into tears.

"Shit." Daniel says.

"I'm so sorry." Beau says hugging me from behind. I get up and walk upstairs without saying a word. Beau follows after me and takes my hand. I lay on the bed and cry with Beau hugging me tightly. "I love you"

(Sorry it's short, but I needed you to see what was going to happen. I have a huge surprise coming up!! BE READY.

Remember to VOTE and COMMENT. ILY CUNTS)

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