"I want to kill myself"

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( hey! I wanted to write a authors note first. If you really want to get the feel of this chapter. Listen to 'One Direction - Night Changes' I listened to it while I wrote this and I had to keep stopping because it made me cry emotionally😭)

I got off the plane and grabbed my bags. slowly I got into my mums car, she doesn't know at all what happened and I don't even want to explain. I just her Beau and I broke up and she understands. I want to kill my I swear I will. I haven't even contacted Holly to say I'm home.

I got home and went straight up into my room and laid on my bed. I pulled my phone out and phoned Holly.

"Hello?" Holly said.

"I came home."

"What why?"

"Beau and I broke up. Long story I guess. Let's just say everyone hates me."

"Shit. I'm so sorry Karissa. I've kinda made plans already to surprise Jai in Los Angeles tomorrow, so I can't come to see you. Sorry." She said and clicking hang up.

Even holly didn't care. No one wanted to speak to me. I broke everyone's heart. I ruined everything. I remember that time and Beau argued and he came all the way from Los Angeles to my house without anything because he loved me so much, we were perfect. I don't know how I'm going to act anymore.

I pushed my pillow up and moved my head on it. I reached over to my radio and turned it on. I laid there in silence. Suddenly One Directions song 'Night Changes' and I burst out in tears. I hate my life so much. I heard and listened to every single word of that song hurting myself.

"Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes. Everything that you've ever dreamed off, disappearing when you wake up, but there's nothing to be afraid of. Even when the night changes it will never change me and you." I sang through my tears. My heart sunk and I was so hurt.


A few weeks later after being stuck in my room and not sleeping at all, I got into leggings and a baggy jumper at 6:30am, I didn't want to look the part, I just wanted a walk to get away from everything.

I walked out my house without breakfast and walked into town. I walked past the hotel where me and Beau has our first kiss and shared our emotional goodbyes. I walked past the building that me and Beau first met and fell in love. I walked up and, down the high street for 2 hours just walking and daydreaming.

I saw my favourite clothes & shoe shop just about open, it was for both men and woman. One side of the shop had men stuff and the other side had woman's, so I decided to walked inside.

I started to look at a sparkly top. When I saw someone looking at me from the corner of my eye. I finally got sick of it and turned to face them. "Can i help you?" I said frowning.

"No the question is can I help you?" He said. He had short brown hair just like Beau, but with more of a Jai hair style flick in his hair. He was about 5'5, he had blue eyes that sparkled.

"Huh?" I said getting confused.

He chuckled and walked towards me. "I work here. Do you need any help?" He smiled.

"No? I was just looking at the top and you decided to keep looking at me." I said raising my eyebrow.

"That sort of attitude will get you a job here." He laughed.

"Well it is my favourite shop, but you lot would never hire me." I laughed.

He looked me up and down. "One sec" he said and scurried off. I looked around and in a instant he was gone. I listened to him and waited. He came back 5 minutes later and smiled at me.

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