Im a slut

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I woke up to a knock at my door, I turned around and saw Jai smiling at me. I rubbed my eyes and yawned loudly and he just laughed. He crept into the bed and kissed my forehead. "Have you seen outside?" He smirked.

I just looked at him oddly. "No? I've been asleep. It's like 8am." I said. He got out of bed and picked me up bridal style and put me down by the window.

"Holy shit!" I said in total shock while looking out the window to see the beautiful snow falling and laying on the ground.

"I didn't think it snowed in Los Angeles." Jai laughed.

I laughed a little and turned around to wrap my arms around his neck. "You're so beautiful." He told me. I shook my head quickly and he cupped my face and kissed my slowly and pushed his tongue into my mouth. He let it explore my mouth while we kissed romantically. I pulled away for breath and he just smiled at me. "I love kissing you." He sighed.

"Don't stop then" I smirked. He leant in again to kiss my lips.

"Wait..." I pulled away. "Why are you up so early?" I asked.

"Well if we don't get to be together during the day when the boys are around and awake, then I will just have to wake up early to spend a few hours kissing you and cuddling you." He said.

"Aww!" I said loudly, not realising I sounded like a complete idiot. Jai just laughed at me and looked into my eyes.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too" I said pecking his lips.

"Let's go somewhere." Jai said, taking my hand in his and kissing the back of my hand.

I looked at him oddly and he just chuckled. "Let's go swimming? Ice skating? Snowboarding? Sight seeing?" He said.

"Shopping!" I said smiling and his face dropped. "And then dinner date" I smirked to make him feel better.

He nodded and went to get changed. I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and cleansed my body. I stepped out the shower in my towel and headed back into the bedroom. Jai was sitting in my bed ready and just smiling to himself. "I need to get changed." I said looking at him.

"We've done everything else, so why can't you get dressed in front of me" he said laughing, not expecting me to actually do it, but I dropped my towel and turned around to get my underwear from the draw.

"Fuck..." I heard Jai moan from behind me on the bed.

"You've seen it before" I smirked still looking for my favourite underwear and bra.

"Not like this before." He smirked to himself, before holding up my underwear and bra. "Looking for this?" He said.

I turned around and shook my head, holding my hand out for him to give it to me. Jai shook his head and chuckled. "If you want them, then come get them." He said biting his lip.

"Jai....ugh fine" I said.

I walked over to the bed and Jai just looked up and down my whole body before I leaned over him and tried to grab my underwear but he kept holding it higher and further away.

"Stop" I pouted.

I climbed on top of him and he enjoyed the whole naked view of me. I pecked his lips, but he still didn't give them to me. "Do you not find this fun?" He winked.

"No I want my stuff" I poured again. Before my face lit up. "Two can play at that game" I chuckled, before sitting my naked body on his length. He moaned quietly and I smirked, and took that time to snatched my stuff from him. I took them in my hand and laughed when he opened his eyes and frowned.

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