Goodbye world

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I wake up and lean over to kiss Beau. "Morning" I smile as I open my eyes and see Daniel with his mouth wide open and he's snoring.

Right. I get up and walk out the room in my joggers and vest. I go downstairs and see Beau and Jai awake.

"Hey." Jai smiles.

I nodded to say morning.

"Id like the present you gave me on my bed" Beau chuckles and Jai looks at Beau confused. "It's okay Jai. She left the present I gave her on my bed all ripped up" Beau laughs.

Jai rolls his eyes. "I feel sick" I said running to the bathroom. Jai sits up and Beau frown. "Maybe Daniel for her knocked up." Jai laughs and Beau pushes him back. "Dude not funny." Beau says.

Jai comes running after me.

I did feel sick but not in that way. I was wanting to be sick, just so I could get out the situation. Jai barges in and looks at me being sick in the toilet. He shuts the door behind and puts his hand on my bed and rubs my back. I close my eyes and fall to the floor crying.

"I swear I'm the only one who can see?" He says.

I stop being and wipe my mouth, turning to face him. "What do you mean?" I said questioning him.

"You're not happy. I can tell by the way you are with Daniel that you don't want him. I know that you're not only with Daniel to make Beau Jealous because that isn't you. I know that Holly is being a bitch ignoring you right now for no reason. I can tell your depressed. I know that you love Beau and you'll do anything for him. I get that you don't know how to act. I can see it all by just looking into your eyes." He says.

At that moment I lost it and burst into tears. "Jai.." I said hugging him and crying into him. "It's okay." He says patting my back. I pull away from the hug and just look at him. "I want to die." I said quietly.

"No you don't. You want Beau." He said.

"How do I get him back? He loves Chelsey." I said wiping my tears.

"That is something I don't know." Jai says.

I take a deep breathe in. One of these days I'll wake up from this bad dream i'm dreaming. I'll realise that I'm so tired of feeling confused. I run out of the bathroom and run past the living room causing Beau to jump up from his seat and run after me, I run out the front door with Jai and Beau running after me. I rip my jumper off me to the floor and stare at all the fans at the gates. I fall to the floor and cry. Beau and Jai come out the front door and just look at me.

"Karissa please" Beau says coming down to help me up.

"DONT TOUCH ME!" I shout at him. I look down and see I have no shoes on. I press the buzzer on the gate and run out the gate. "I'm going to end if! I can't have who I want. Why can't i? I need you. I need to die." I said confusing myself infront of all the fans.

"Karissa!" Beau shouts. "Jai get Daniel im going to get into the car and get her." Beau says running to the car.

"But Beau you don't have your license here?" Jai shouts.

"I don't care." Beau says getting in to the car and driving out the gate.

Where can I go. I was in the middle of town. Everyone was looking at me. I had mascara all down my face. I had no shoes on. I was just wearing a vest and joggers. I ran and ran and ran and that's all I could do. I didn't look back once as j was running. I needed something to save me.

Suddenly I found myself crying in the middle of the street on the floor. I let out a loud huge scream. Everyone stopped and stared at me. "What do you want? STOP LOOKING AT ME?" I shouted at them.

I go up and started to slowly walk to the bridge. My walking started to slow down as I got to the middle of the bridge. I stood there and looked down at the water for a while. I started to climb up the barriers and stand over the waters edge. I never liked heights but I wanted to feel pain. I looked down and felt a tear fall down my cheek. It slowly dropped off my face and went into the water. Suddenly it started to rain heavily. I looked up and the rain dropped onto my face. "Goodbye." I said as the rain dropped firmly on my face.

A car pulled its breaks on loudly and stopped at the side. "KARISSA STOP." Beau shouted running out the car and running up to me. "Please." He said looking up at me as the rain poured down on our faces.

"Leave me alone Beau." I said.

"I can't." He said.

2 cars pulled up and got out. It was James, Daniel, Luke, Holly, Jai and Chelsey. They started to come closer.

"BACK AWAY." I shouted and they back off. Beau got closer and I didn't say anything.

"Please come down from there." He says looking up at me.

"Why am I not happy?" I said turning to face Beau as everyone watched on.

"I don't know K." He said. He hasn't called me K since we broke up. I felt myself crying again. "I just want to be happy." I said.

"You can be. You will be. You can't be if you kill yourself." Beau says getting closer to me. Suddenly he eyes squeeze together as he sees my wrist. "Why?" He asks as theres a loud bang of thunder.

"I'm missing something." I say.

"Karissa. I know how you feel. I know you. You think your lost, but your not lost on your own. You're not alone. I will stand by you. I will help you through. If you can't cope. I will dry your eyes. I will fight your fight. I won't let go. It hurts my heart to see you cry. I'm here" he says causing me to cry even more.

"Don't be afraid to fall but not here. I will catch you if you fall I promise. I'm right here to catch you. I won't let you down. You're gonna make it. I know you can." He adds.

"But everything will go back to the way it was, you will have Chelsey. I'll continue hurting Daniel even though I don't mean too." I said loosening my grip.

Daniel looks at me and I see the rain hitting his cheeks along with his tears.

"I'm in pain" I say. "I don't want this to happen" I said. "The future that we hold is so unclear. I can't give you up." I said closing my eyes.

"Just turn around and come here." Beau says gesturing his hand.

Suddenly the police and ambulance start to arrive and close the bridge off. They start moving closer to me. "It's ok! Beau has it under control. He's the only one she listens to." Daniel says and I see the pain it causes him to say that.

"Karissa. You've always been one to make a big scene." Beau laughs.

I try to laugh back. "The voices in my head tell me they know best. What do I do without you? I don't know where to go. I want to scream so loud." I say.

"You don't have to lose me." Beau says.

The rain gets heavier and heavier. "Karissa please" he adds.

I start to climb down and turn to face him. "No regrets" he says to me. I smile and take a step down, suddenly losing my grip and letting go.

"KARISSA!" Beau shouts.

I look at Beau one last time and he runs to grip my hand. "I'm sorry." I mouth. I close my eyes and feel my hand let go without me knowing. "I love you." I say over and over again. I look up as I'm falling and see Beau looking over the edge at me. "NO!" Beau is screaming.

I close my eyes and feel my body hit the freezing cold water. I feel cold and alone. I love you Beau is all I could say.

Goodbye world.

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