"I have no idea what to do now"

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(Karissa's Pov)

It's been a few days since I've been back in London. I didn't miss anything to be honest. It's cold and as boring as usual. I have an appointment with the doctor to have an abortion today and I'm really not excited about this.

It's 11am and I'm waiting at the bus stop for the bus. When I get a phone call from Jai.

"Hello Jye." I say down the phone.

"Hello K." He smirks down the phone. "What you doing?" He added.

"Just waiting for the bus to go to the doctors." I say.

"Oh right im sorry." He says. "Who are you talking to?" I hear Beau say at the end of the phone. "It's Karissa" Jai answers him.

It suddenly goes quiet and I hear Beau on the phone. "Hello?" Beau says.

"What?" I said.

"Can we just try and be civil to one another." He said.

"Sure." I said bluntly.

"What you doing?" He said.

"Going to the doctors." I said.

"Oh." He said down the phone. "Is everything okay?" He said stupidly.

"Beau you know I'm getting an abortion." I said.

"I love it when you say my name" he says as the bus pulls up for me and I get on and pay for my ticket.

"Don't change the subject." I said.

"Come on. I'm sorry. Ok." He said.

"No going back remember, can I speak to Jai?" I said and it went quiet again. I hear Beau mumble something and then Jai comes back on the phone.

"Be safe." Jai says and then we hang up.


I get to the hospital and get called by the doctor straight away. I get inside the room and sit down with a lady doctor.

"My names Miss Lee. I'm going to give you 2 tablets now and tomorrow I'm going to give you another 2. You will experience pain and tightness around your stomach. You will bleed but that's completely normal." She says handing me the first two tablets.

I take them in my hand and hold them tightly as she hands me a glass of water. I slowly put one in my mouth and shallow before adding the other one and shallowing.

"Now tomorrow I want you to come back and see me again so I can give you the other set." She said and off I went.


The next day I went back and took my other 2 pills.

That night I was feeling sick and I was bleeding heavily. My stomach was cramping up, much worse than periods. My mum held me tightly and we hugged and she kept me safe.


The next morning, I woke up and went downstairs. Suddenly I see my 21 year old sister Layla who I haven't seen in over 2 years in the living room. She moved to scotland to be with her boyfriend who is French and weird.

"Layla?" I said panicking.

"Oh good morning you lazy son of a bitch." She said coming over to me and hugging me. "I have a surprise for you." She adds.

"What?" I say.

"We're going on holiday!" She jumps up and down. I start jumping up and down with her and we both screaming.

"We are going to France! To stay with my boyfriend for a few months." She shouts.

"France? To be with YOUR boyfriend." I say.

"Yeah you can bring Beau." She says.

"I'm not with Beau anymore and no thanks." I say.

"shit. Come on this is a once in a life time opportunity K." She says pleading me.

"Just leave me alone." I say and go upstairs. I don't understand why it was getting to me so much. Obviously she has this perfect like with her boyfriend, but he's a dick head. Im single now. Big deal.

I get changed and head out the house. I find myself walking to Holly's house and knocking on her door. She quickly answers and her face drops dramatically.

"What the fuck do you want?" She says.

"What did I do?" I shouted at her.

"What did you do? You're a whore. You always know." She snapped back.

"I don't understand!" I snapped back.

"Fine. I'll spell it out for you. Jai....wants....you.....he...wrote....in....his....notes....on....his....phone.....about.....how....he.....wants....you.....and wants to .....fuck.....you and kiss......you and how he's..... liked.....you ever since the .....start, that's why he......messaged you that first.... time" she said slowly and sarcastically and then slammed the door in my face.

Jai likes me? I slowly walked away from the door and started to walk back when my phone bleeped and I pulled my phone out my pocket. I saw I had made a call to someone accidentally and It wouldn't tell me who.

I put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

"Karissa I can explain." I heard Jai's voice.

I closed my eyes and hung up. Guys are so not drama free. More drama and I'm not even with them. I can't handle this anymore. How could this be true? Jai has always treated me like a friend and nothing more. He's never once hit on me or flirted or gave me reason to think he wanted more than friends. I haven't even thought about Jai and me like that EVER.

I got back to my house and laid on my bed. Jai kept phoning me which made me turn my phone off and just relax. I have no idea what to do now.

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