Chapter 1

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So I'm basically an average teen. I have a job I like girls and I have a few friends. Nothing that special. I just so wish I had a pokemon. No one has ever given me one. But I'm stuck at work caring for other people's pokemon.

Don't get me wrong. I love working at the day care. I'm basically an expert trainer. I even have my own trainer watch. It's a device that will show your pokemon's moves, stats, and hp. It's very handy when studying the new pokemon.

So I was at work one day playing with an adorable Vulpix. It pounced on my foot and I patted it's head while smiling. Who wouldn't smile at a Vulpix. I put the Vulpix in the room with the other fire pokemon. It's a nice place to be when it's chilly.

I did my work for the day. My usual work is training one pokemon of each type one level every day. The last room I went to was the flying room. I walked in and tried to decide what pokemon to train. A Pidgey politely pecked my toes. I smiled but kept walking. I saw at the end of the room was a Pelipper sitting. I walked over.

"Watcha got there buddy?" I said to the pokemon. I gently touched it's stomach and it rose up and I saw an egg. I quickly grabbed it and brought it to my boss like I'm supposed to.

"Hey Mr. Blaze! Look what I have. A Pelipper laid it."

"I know," he said, "I've known she was going to lay."

"Should I call it's trainer?" I asked.

"Oh no Skye," he said, "this pokemon is for you."

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