02 roommates

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Gerard had been living with Frank for two weeks already, and he was getting used to it. Between work and staying in his room all day to sketch, he barely saw him, but Frank always brought him food from whatever place he went out to eat, and let him use his Netflix account. Yeah, it was a little awkward to find him and Bob making out everywhere, or the fact he could hear every time they were fucking, but he tried to ignore that.

Besides, he did seem a nice guy. They'd only talk twice since, but it was obvious. Once when he came home from work, and Frank was making himself coffee, looking like he was dead, yet he still asked how work went, and started talking about Mikey out of nowhere. 'He's a nice dude,' he said.

'He is.'

'Tell him he can come anytime he wants. I miss him. He used to be so fun at parties.'

'I'll tell him.'

The second time, he'd come out of his room in the morning and found him on top of Bob while they lay on the couch, most likely naked under the blanket. He made a mental note to never sit there. He made himself a coffee, and tried to ignore them obviously putting their tongues on each other's mouths. Did they see him? And to make things even more uncomfortable, Frank got up and walked to the kitchen, proving Gerard's theory that he was naked. Frank walked right next to him, his boner hanging just like that, to grab a cup of coffee. 'Thanks, man!' he said, and Gerard kept his face hidden to avoid the embarrassment.

Yet, most of the time, he wasn't even home. He was either at work in the studio, and had to go on tour last minute for almost a week. Yet, when he came back, he invited a lot of people over. Gerard stayed in his room, working for the most part. Parties weren't his thing anyway. Or fun, for that matter.

Though he couldn't help it and had to go to the bathroom. He was shocked so many people could fit in the tiny apartment, but his anxiety was through the roof. So he walked back to his room. Or tried to.

'There he is!' he heard Frank say. When he turned around he saw him walking from the living room. He was wearing jeans, and a tank top, but no shoes, and he was clearly drunk. And high as fuck. 'I wanted to tell you you're obviously invited, but I wasn't sure if you were sleeping.'

'I'm okay. I was working.'

Frank nodded. 'Well, you can hang out now, can you?' Gerard wanted to tell him he was tired, and that he wanted to go to sleep, but Frank looked like he was about to cry.

'You don't want me here. I'm not the best at these things.'

'But I do want you here,' Frank replied, pulling him by the arm to join the party.

'Where's Bob?' Gerard couldn't help asking. They were attached by the hip, and it was weird that he'd rather want to hang out with him than with his boyfriend.

'He's coming. He had to stay at the studio all night.'

So that's why he looked like crying, Gerard thought. He was starting to notice Frank had more issues than he thought, but who was he to judge. 'Hey, guys!' Frank interrupted a group of his friends. 'This is my new roommate, Gerard. Gerard, these are my friends.' He introduced him to everyone, and every time, he made sure to mention he worked at DC. Some of them pretended to be interested, but Gerard knew they were faking. They weren't the kind of people who'd read comics.

And that's why he hated social gatherings in general. He hated people, he hated talking, he knew no one would care about the same stuff he cared about, and he really wanted to go to bed. He just sat there, going through his phone. Frank offered him a drink, and he took it. A minute later, Bob arrived, and Frank got distracted immediately, pulling him by his shirt to kiss him.

Gerard waited a little bit so it wasn't that obvious he was only there for Frank, and fortunately for him, a girl started a conversation with him about his Bowie shirt.

At some point Frank's shirt was gone, and he was sitting on Bob's lap, as usual. Bob's tongue deep down his throat, and his hand going inside his underwear. In front of everyone!

Gerard tried to look away but he couldn't.

Did anyone else see that? Was this normal for them?

Gerard kept the conversation going, to avoid the awkwardness of the situation, but he could swear Frank was looking at him while kissing Bob. Did he imagine that too?

He had to remind himself Frank was very drunk and under the influence of who knows what, not that it made it easier. 'You smoke?' Gerard asked the girl out of nowhere, and they both when outside immediately after that.

He didn't go back inside until the girl left, and then half the people had already left too, and the other half where crashing on the couch, right next to Bob jerking Frank off, his dick out for everyone to see. Gerard walked away as fast as possible, convinced they never saw him anyway, and straight to his room, and jerked himself off to sleep.

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