13 happy

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The bookstore had to be open at eight every morning, so Frank had to wake up at six, get in the shower and get ready. It was only a couple of blocks away from home, so he took his time to take Pansy outside, and have breakfast with Gerard.

Gerard made sure he was taking his meds, and kissed him goodbye before he headed out.

Frank was smiling again, and Gerard loved that.

He loved seeing this new side of him. He loved seeing him learning to smile again, learning to be a functioning adult that didn't depend on alcohol to make it through the day. Learning new routines.

Getting coffee from the Starbucks next door before opening. Getting ready to open the store and dusting off the shelves. Taking the sign outside, and setting up the table outside.

They didn't have a lot of customers, so he occupied himself doing inventory, and making lists of books in case someone asked for recommendations.

Whenever someone came in, Frank would talk to them for the longest time about books and it always ended up in his recommending either Stephen King or The Catcher in the Rye. He didn't realize how much he liked talking about books.

Whenever customers actually bought something, he'd start talking again, making conversation about the books they got, and asking for recommendations.

On his free time, which was a lot, he'd either read – he could read a book a day –, or write. One time, a girl saw him writing something in his journal and asked him about it. 'I'm writing poems,' he answered. He'd already filled an entire journal since rehab, which explained why he was starting to feel better.

'I wanna write poems too,' the girl said.

'Really? That's awesome! You know what, I'm gonna give you your first notebook for poems.' He grabbed a leather journal from the counter, making a mental note to pay for it later, and gave it to the girl. 'Promise me to write your heart out, okay?'

'I will.' The parents saw the whole interaction and thanked him.

When he made it home, Gerard was waiting for him with dinner ready – takeout –, and wearing only boxers. 'Damn, this is the best thing to come home to,' Frank said with a smile, and kissed Gerard.

They sat down to eat, both in their boxers, and watched a Tim Burton movie while eating Chinese food, Pansy sleeping between them.

Gerard tried to keep him occupied. Making out, mainly. But going for walks, or to the theater. They signed up for cooking classes for couples, and though Frank thought that was the cheesiest thing to ever exist, he enjoyed spending time with Gerard.

They'd talked about their day. Gerard about his deadlines and complaining about his boss, and Frank about his customers, and the little girl who wanted to be a poet.

Frank laughed at Gerard stupid jokes, and Gerard loved that, so he kept saying them.

His laugh was the best thing Gerard had ever heard, a new noise he was still discovering, that was so new, he hadn't got used to it.

A couple days later, when Frank closed the bookstore, Gerard was already waiting for him outside with a bouquet of red roses. He took Frank to a fancy restaurant, and asked him about his day.

Frank was still getting used to this kind of relationship, but he loved it. 

Back at home, they'd do their usual ritual of sucking each other off, and having sex in the shower.

They'd sleep together every night, Gerard's arm around Frank.

And they'd do everything again.

Frank was happy with his life.

Frank was getting used to smiling more and laughing and his new life that definitely made him happy. He loved having Gerard around, even though he sometimes felt he felt like he depended on him, he couldn't live without Gerard.

Frank didn't know if his dreams would come true anytime soon, but for now, working at the bookstore, writing poems and coming home to Pansy and Gerard were the best things that could ever happen to him.

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