01. You're Still Here

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     One year later, everything had changed. Well, not everything, Norman was really just giving in to his asshole tendencies a lot more these days. That didn't mean his friends loved him any less, though, they were still stronger than ever. Well, at least they tried to be. Then, they got to the stage of their teenage years where hormones got in the way and Kook-on-Kook action fucked way too many things up. If they ignored the problems, though, they'd probably just go away. Right?

Of course, none of his friends knew about the kiss. All they knew was Norman started hating Pogues a whole lot more than he used to. However, that was fairly on-brand for him and his Kook friends.

However, hating Pogues certainly never stopped them from attending the infamous Boneyard parties. They simply stuck to their own corners and Norman made sure never to wander off again. Even though John B had managed to get even hotter in the year since they last had a real conversation, but Norman would never voice such a thought out loud. He still hated the boy for what had happened last year.

"Dude, Rocky, where's your head?" James asked him, knocking on the side of Norman's skull gently with a teasing laugh as he pushed a cup into his hands, "C'mon, let's get drunk."

"Where's Alisha?" Norman spoke with a furrowed brow, looking around at his friend group as he took a sip. His black-haired friend had wandered off since the last time Norman was paying attention. "Flirting with JJ again?"

Lila shrugged, "Probably. I don't know what she sees in him, but oh well."

"You're just mad she hasn't been hitting you up lately," Norman overheard James whisper to his sister. Clearly, no one else was meant to hear it, but the girl punched him gently on the arm and Norman snorted at the action but refused to say anything. If they wanted to keep something a secret, that was none of Norman's business. He had his secrets, so they could have theirs.

"Hey, play nice, dumbasses," Gemma teased, sticking out her tongue at Lila as she tied her long blonde hair into a ponytail in a poor attempt to beat the summer heat. Hopefully, it would cool off later in the night, but as long as the sun was out it was scorching. That was summer in Paradise on Earth, he supposes.

Norman sighed, looking down at the yellowish-brown liquid in his cup. "I don't think I feel like getting drunk tonight. Anyone want this?"

"Don't have to ask me twice," James said with a shrug before taking the cup from Norman and pouring it into his own. "What's up with you? You're always getting wasted with us."

"Ugh, we're all gonna end up being alcoholics anyway. Might as well speed up the process, Rocky," Lila contributed with a smile. It was teasing in nature, but Norman wasn't sure how funny he found it. He simply shrugged and began to fiddle with the buttons on his navy blue shirt. He was aware of what a Kook asshole he looked like in his khaki shorts and navy-blue shirt. Literally the poster child for rich asshole, but that was pretty much who he was anyway so he might as well look the part. He ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh, smiling at his friends as they chatted and drank.

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now