02. About Last Night

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     Norman awoke to the sound of someone knocking on his door frame. Judging by the way the sun was streaming through the blinds on his second-floor bedroom it had to be around noon. Checking his phone, it was actually just a smidge after. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up and faced his doorway, unsurprised to see Alisha there. He gave her a half-wave as he ran his fingers through his hair and walked into the bathroom.

"What was last night about?" Alisha finally asked, moving to sit on his bed just as he came out of the bathroom. He was used to waking up to various friends in his house since they had all reached the point in their friendships where each other's parents let them in all the time, no questions asked. Alisha was such a common visitor, she had been mistaken for being Norman's girlfriend far too many times.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he sighed, even though he was lying. He leaned against the doorway to his bathroom with his arms crossed, a stern and unmoving expression on his face. He always had been a good liar, but Alisha was better at seeing through him than most. They had always been closer than the rest of the group after having been friends the longest and they also complemented each other's personalities like no other.

She scoffed, pulling the hairband off of her wrist to pull her hair back into a ponytail as his room was almost unbearably warm. Rolling her eyes at him, she mused, "Dude, you know you can't lie to me. That motherfucker pulled out a gun and when you told me to get them out of there, I expected you to be right behind me. You weren't. You stayed around a person with a motherfucking gun. I know you're not stupid, Rocky, you don't do dumb shit without a good reason. I want to hear the reason."

The truth was, Norman didn't have a good reason. All he really thought of was the feeling of being frozen to his spot. He hadn't been unable to move due to fear, though, more like he knew where he was supposed to be and it had been right there. Alisha raised an eyebrow expectantly, but he didn't have a good answer for her. So, he shrugged, but that clearly wasn't enough for her.

"Norman, I'm being real here, okay? You put yourself in direct danger for what? To help some Pogues? You have never had a heart for Pogues your entire life, why start now? Why start when they have a gun to the head of one of our own?" the girl spat, clearly getting more frustrated the longer he took to give her an answer. "I heard gunshots after I got out of there, you have no idea how scared I was for you."

He sighed, "I know and I'm sorry for making you worry. I just... I don't know why I did what I did, Lish. You know how much I hate violence. They needed help, money didn't matter in that moment because that Pogue was going to drown if JJ hadn't stepped in. I'm not happy about how he did it, I'm just happy no one got shot. They needed help, I helped. Everyone is safe and alive, that should be what matters. Not the reasoning behind my actions."

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now