23. The Beginning

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So, what are they supposed to do now that everything is out in the open? Help John B create a scheme to get Kiara and Sarah to be friends again. Norman was aware of how ridiculous this was, but some stupid part of him wanted John B to be happy so he was going to go along with this as best he could. Their plan was just about ready to go as they waited for Pope to deliver the unknowing Kie to where their boat was waiting in the Alps.

"What happened?" Kie asked as she approached the three boys that were pretending to be fixing the boat when in reality, they had it stopped on purpose. Of course, Kiara didn't know this and she wasn't going to until it was too late.

"Uh, the alternator's not alternating anymore," JJ explained as John B and Norman nodded along. Being a good liar had its perks in moments like this, clearly.

"It's not charged," added John B with a convincingly disappointed expression.

Kie sighed as she stepped forward and asked, "Did you check the plugs?"

"No, you should check them," John B suggested as the boys stood to get out of her way as she stepped into the cabin. As the girl groaned and got to work, they inconspicuously left the cabin as quietly and quickly as possible.

"Go, go, go!" JJ exclaimed as the three boys ran before Kie noticed anything and jumped into the water. Norman was a bit slower than the other two, but that didn't matter as John B grabbed him by the arm and got them over to Pope's boat before the girls could chase after them. They laughed as the girls seemed to discover the plan and yell after them.

"Get your asses back here!" Kie screamed at the boys from the edge of the boat.

John B shook his head and explained, "Not happening! Not until you two figure it out!"

"I will kill every single one of you! Even you, Rocky!" Kiara shouted back with murder in her eyes. Norman wouldn't be surprised if she followed through with that, but he was still laughing with a smile plastered on his face.

"Y-You can't just leave!" Sarah contributed with a disdainful expression on her face as the boys began to drive away without an ounce of remorse.

"There's food in the cabin and JJ rolled a blunt!" shouted back John B with a gleeful smile.

JJ nodded, exclaiming, "Hydroponic!"

As the girls complained, they were already down the river with laughs spilling past their lips and smiles on their faces. Norman sighed, chuckling as he remarked, "I honestly didn't think that would work."

"Kie loves to fix the boat for us, she's convinced we're idiots," Pope explained, "Ah, nothing feels better than a beautifully executed plan, don't you guys agree?"

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now